The employees at Mill City Museum are fucking retards, who have once again forgot how to work their FUCKING alarm. While this is only the second Saturday in a row of this, if pattern holds from last year, it won't be the last.
It's not that fucking hard you gods damned retards, its really not. Use your fucking alarm right. It's all I ask from you.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Christmas Time is Here
So, i got a card and a gift from Annie and Josh yesterday. Which was cool. Although weird. They sent me a picture (which was nice), but it means I got a Christmas Card. Like, with a picture. Like the type you get when you're all grown up. I mean, I'm damn near 30, this shouldn't weird me out like it is, but here I am, a bit weirded out. I mean, I'm glad they sent it, and I'm going to start putting together a list on my computer of who sent and was sent Xmas cards and begin tracking that for next year (when I think I'll start sending cards), but still. Wow. Blew my fucking mind.
Don't take much I guess.
ROFLOL Gods but I love the Holiday Season.
Don't take much I guess.
ROFLOL Gods but I love the Holiday Season.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
After living the last few years without, I know have health inurance again! It turns out that even being a part time employee for Securitas you can opt for the insurance. Awesome! Time to go get in a bar fight and see just how good it is!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Random Blog
So I'm still at work, and as per my new hours I will be until 7 for the foreseeable future. It's kinda nice so far. Things start to get kinda slow about 5:30, and after a day of one call after another, that's a nice break. Time to do a little reading, and as long as I remember my jump drive, some typing too. It's nice.
The weekend was fairly good. I'm not sure why either. I mean, friends came over on Saturday and we watched Bender's game and then some Penn and Teller BS! Which was a good time. Alas, I missed the MISFITS movie night, but that's okay. MISFITS has many events. I think I'm going to really try to go to them too. Meet some people and all that jazz.
But, yeah, I've been in a good mood of late. The reassurance of knowing where my bill paying is coming from is a nice change from the last year. I think things are defiantly looking good for me. I'm going to ride that for as long as I can too. I've actually felt like I should do something proactive about not being single anymore too. I haven't felt like that in awhile. Damned if I know what to do with that, but there it is. *chuckle*
The weekend was fairly good. I'm not sure why either. I mean, friends came over on Saturday and we watched Bender's game and then some Penn and Teller BS! Which was a good time. Alas, I missed the MISFITS movie night, but that's okay. MISFITS has many events. I think I'm going to really try to go to them too. Meet some people and all that jazz.
But, yeah, I've been in a good mood of late. The reassurance of knowing where my bill paying is coming from is a nice change from the last year. I think things are defiantly looking good for me. I'm going to ride that for as long as I can too. I've actually felt like I should do something proactive about not being single anymore too. I haven't felt like that in awhile. Damned if I know what to do with that, but there it is. *chuckle*
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Training Done
So, 4 weeks of training behind me at last. We had our big final review/test on Friday. You have to get 90% or something to be able to take phone calls. So, I missed three questions out of at least 60 some. Probably closer to 100. So, yeah, I passed. The main trainer asked me afterwords why I was so nervous. I should have told them that I wasn't. However, the rest of the class calmed down a lot when I pretended. *shrug* Didn't cost me anything.
In other words, I'm going to be taking calls as of Monday from the sounds of things. I just need to keep up with this and I should hopefully go full time come March.
Also, on a late election note, I've know spoken to at least one black man who's not pleased with Obama being elected. The good Mr. Slaughter wanted to be the first black President, and is a little bit vexed that someone's beaten him to the punch. So, remember, when you see Alan Slaughter for President in about 12 years or so, give him a vote. I know he'd appreciate it.
In other words, I'm going to be taking calls as of Monday from the sounds of things. I just need to keep up with this and I should hopefully go full time come March.
Also, on a late election note, I've know spoken to at least one black man who's not pleased with Obama being elected. The good Mr. Slaughter wanted to be the first black President, and is a little bit vexed that someone's beaten him to the punch. So, remember, when you see Alan Slaughter for President in about 12 years or so, give him a vote. I know he'd appreciate it.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
All Hallows Eve
So, the Hallowene parties I went to averaged out to okay. The Whore House was kinda slow, decent crowd but not a whole lot actually going on. Cheries (I wonder if I spelled that even close to right?) was the Cosmics/O'Gara's crowd. Nothing wrong with that mind ya, people I like to hang out with, but not much for new faces. Decent chit-chat for the most part. It was also nice to have the night off from work. I think my next day off will probably be Thanksgiving. Unless I can pick-up an extra shift somewhere. I probably can. Hell, I'm probably going to pick up an extra half shift next weekend to make up some time from this week. Maybe the week after too. No rest and all that jazz.
My Arthur Dent costume went better thenI expected. In fact, more people then I expected figured out who I was right off. A few more figured it out after I dropped into my stumbling Arthur Dent voice. A few just didn't get it. but then again, I was dressed as a character from The Hitchhiker's Guide, so that's to be expected. I had a towl, that aquired some whiskey for me to suck on as the night wore on, and my bathrobe, slippers, a pair of sleep shorts, and a teeshirt that just seemed very Dent-like. I also carted around a copy of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy as well. The novels, not an actual copy of that wholy remarkable book. Maybe some other time. I think I could probably do up a database using Access. Or just some prompts in my graphing calculator. Whatever.
Saturday, Ethan and Berliner swung by to hang out and watch some TV. It shaped up to a nice day.
Now, if I can survive the last week of training for my new job, that'd be cool. I guess I'm doing well though. We had a review test (they don't call it a test, but it is) on Friday. They don't expect people to get done with more then half of the questions in the hour they give. I was pissed that I didn't get the last one finished. So close. And all of them were basically right too. A few little partial flubs here and there, and one I just could not find the answer to, but that's all. I'm really hoping to score one of the permanent postions at the end of the temp contract.
It'd be nice.
My Arthur Dent costume went better thenI expected. In fact, more people then I expected figured out who I was right off. A few more figured it out after I dropped into my stumbling Arthur Dent voice. A few just didn't get it. but then again, I was dressed as a character from The Hitchhiker's Guide, so that's to be expected. I had a towl, that aquired some whiskey for me to suck on as the night wore on, and my bathrobe, slippers, a pair of sleep shorts, and a teeshirt that just seemed very Dent-like. I also carted around a copy of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy as well. The novels, not an actual copy of that wholy remarkable book. Maybe some other time. I think I could probably do up a database using Access. Or just some prompts in my graphing calculator. Whatever.
Saturday, Ethan and Berliner swung by to hang out and watch some TV. It shaped up to a nice day.
Now, if I can survive the last week of training for my new job, that'd be cool. I guess I'm doing well though. We had a review test (they don't call it a test, but it is) on Friday. They don't expect people to get done with more then half of the questions in the hour they give. I was pissed that I didn't get the last one finished. So close. And all of them were basically right too. A few little partial flubs here and there, and one I just could not find the answer to, but that's all. I'm really hoping to score one of the permanent postions at the end of the temp contract.
It'd be nice.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Week in review
Well, for what seems like the first time in months, I actually have something to talk about under this heading.
So, as I've been so happy about, I've started a new job this past week. Fucking finally! Anyway, it has 4 weeks of training before I hit the floor to support West Legal Publishing. Lots of very expensive books, that have annual upkeep in the thousands of dollars. Yep, for books. Neat huh? Anyway, most of the training is learning our way through the multiple software suites used, including a somewhat prevelant German database (from the looks of it) called SAP. It's not too hard, just another chunck of software to learn to use. I think my biggest problem might be making sure I don't say the wrong greating when I take a call. That would be embarasing...
When I'm finally on the floor, my shift is going to run 10:30 to 7:00. While I was hoping to score the 10:00 to 6:30 shift or a 9:30 to 6:00 shift, that one will be okay. I can sleep till about 9 every day, and easily make it to work on time. A bit of a late shift, but not too bad. Although, it will mean I'll be running late for game. Which is, of course, the reason I wanted an earlier shift. *chuckle* We'll see how things go if they decide to keep me on (man, I really hope they do to, I'd love some steady work, no worries about being out of work between jobs again).
I'm also a big fan of their days off (unpaid, but I'll live). Thanksgiving and the day after off. That's going to be REALLY nice. As will having Xmas and the day after Xmas off. I have no problem working Xmas eve. None at all. And while I won't get New Year's Eve off, I will get New Years Day off. Lawyers Holidays...
Best thing about this though? All the hot, HOT bill-paying action I'm going to get up to next week!! Aw-yeah, is it going to be out of sight! I mean, just wild, WILD good times. While I like getting all the phone calls (I get lonely too sometimes...), they have such a hostile tone. They really want my money. REALLY want it. Now I can finally get the wolf a bit further from the door. (We've been getting close these last few weeks, and alas I've had no vodka to give said wolf...)
Let's see, what else. Oh, I'm just under $40 from finishing off my Full Metal Alchemist collection. I found a site that has all the ones I'm missing (8, 9, 10, 11, and 13. I won 12 at CONvergance a few years ago) for $7.99 each. And they're not even pirates or anything! While it's not on the "to-get" list right off, I should be able to make the purchase next month. Hopty!
So, yeah, that's that. Now I just have to get back into the swing of these long Friday/Saturday's.
So, as I've been so happy about, I've started a new job this past week. Fucking finally! Anyway, it has 4 weeks of training before I hit the floor to support West Legal Publishing. Lots of very expensive books, that have annual upkeep in the thousands of dollars. Yep, for books. Neat huh? Anyway, most of the training is learning our way through the multiple software suites used, including a somewhat prevelant German database (from the looks of it) called SAP. It's not too hard, just another chunck of software to learn to use. I think my biggest problem might be making sure I don't say the wrong greating when I take a call. That would be embarasing...
When I'm finally on the floor, my shift is going to run 10:30 to 7:00. While I was hoping to score the 10:00 to 6:30 shift or a 9:30 to 6:00 shift, that one will be okay. I can sleep till about 9 every day, and easily make it to work on time. A bit of a late shift, but not too bad. Although, it will mean I'll be running late for game. Which is, of course, the reason I wanted an earlier shift. *chuckle* We'll see how things go if they decide to keep me on (man, I really hope they do to, I'd love some steady work, no worries about being out of work between jobs again).
I'm also a big fan of their days off (unpaid, but I'll live). Thanksgiving and the day after off. That's going to be REALLY nice. As will having Xmas and the day after Xmas off. I have no problem working Xmas eve. None at all. And while I won't get New Year's Eve off, I will get New Years Day off. Lawyers Holidays...
Best thing about this though? All the hot, HOT bill-paying action I'm going to get up to next week!! Aw-yeah, is it going to be out of sight! I mean, just wild, WILD good times. While I like getting all the phone calls (I get lonely too sometimes...), they have such a hostile tone. They really want my money. REALLY want it. Now I can finally get the wolf a bit further from the door. (We've been getting close these last few weeks, and alas I've had no vodka to give said wolf...)
Let's see, what else. Oh, I'm just under $40 from finishing off my Full Metal Alchemist collection. I found a site that has all the ones I'm missing (8, 9, 10, 11, and 13. I won 12 at CONvergance a few years ago) for $7.99 each. And they're not even pirates or anything! While it's not on the "to-get" list right off, I should be able to make the purchase next month. Hopty!
So, yeah, that's that. Now I just have to get back into the swing of these long Friday/Saturday's.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
So I want a really complete library at some point...
Since I'm working for West Publishing (Thomson-Reuters technically, but West is a big part of them), we've been going through products. So many books. Anyway, I've come to the realization, and this is utterly self-indulgent, but if I were to ever win the lotto, I'd have this set of books in my perosnal library. It takes up a little over 55 feet (55!!) of shelf space!
Am I a lawyer? No. Do I want to be one? Not really. Do I want their huge core of legal texts for no other reason then to fill up a ginormis amount of shelf? Yes. Yes I most certainly do. And if I had scads of money, I'd be happy to drop six grand on them.
Am I a lawyer? No. Do I want to be one? Not really. Do I want their huge core of legal texts for no other reason then to fill up a ginormis amount of shelf? Yes. Yes I most certainly do. And if I had scads of money, I'd be happy to drop six grand on them.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
"Sex Drive"
So, I had the chance to pick up some extra hours today (well, technically Saturday) doing security at a movie screening (in other words, making sure no one is using a camcorder).
For Sex Drive.
Oh dears gods. I was payed, PAYED, to be there, and I still feel like I wasted my time. It was horrid. Except for Seth Green as the sarcastic and mechanically skilled Amish, and that's more becuase Seth Green can act then anything the script did. Wow though, that movie was painful. And this sneak preview only bosted about, oh, 7 people. Two of whom left about 30 minutes in. I wish I could have left then too. I told them as much. They laughed, and expressed their sympathies. Sure, there was a decent amount of boob in the movie. And, ya know, twelve years ago that might have helped carry thing a bit more. Back, ya know, when I couldn't just go and by porn.
I was left with the question though. Was there a time I would have found that funny? I'm pretty sure the answer is no. Yeah, just no. Now, i'm not saying friends couldn't have dragged me to it in High School, but not my first choice.
For Sex Drive.
Oh dears gods. I was payed, PAYED, to be there, and I still feel like I wasted my time. It was horrid. Except for Seth Green as the sarcastic and mechanically skilled Amish, and that's more becuase Seth Green can act then anything the script did. Wow though, that movie was painful. And this sneak preview only bosted about, oh, 7 people. Two of whom left about 30 minutes in. I wish I could have left then too. I told them as much. They laughed, and expressed their sympathies. Sure, there was a decent amount of boob in the movie. And, ya know, twelve years ago that might have helped carry thing a bit more. Back, ya know, when I couldn't just go and by porn.
I was left with the question though. Was there a time I would have found that funny? I'm pretty sure the answer is no. Yeah, just no. Now, i'm not saying friends couldn't have dragged me to it in High School, but not my first choice.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Employeed at last....
Kelly Services finally found something for me. Some more customer service oriented stuff for Thomson-Reuters. It's a long-term contract, so I'm bus till February at least, and if I'm lucky, I'll land a full time spot there. I don't want to go through this BS again anytime soon. So, now all I have to do is juggle things for another two weeks, and things should begin to work out again. Finally. Sure, all my credit cards are in repayment plans and the people with my student loans are not happy with me, but fuck 'em. I kept a roof over my head, and only needs to borrow a few hundred from family to keep myself afloat over about three months of being more-or-less out of work. Thank Discord that's over...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Lone Ranger Rides Again!
So, I ran across a tidbit on Wikipedia that seems to imply that there's going to be a Lone Ranger Movie comming out in 2010! How fucking cool is that?? I guess Johnny Depp is slated to play Tonto! IMDB has nothing on it yet, but I'm going to ride the fanboy glee for a bit on this one!
A fiery horse with the speed of light
A cloud of dust
And a hearty "Hi-yo, Silver, away!"
The Lone Ranger Rides Again!!
A fiery horse with the speed of light
A cloud of dust
And a hearty "Hi-yo, Silver, away!"
The Lone Ranger Rides Again!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Weeks keep slipping by me
So, this week has been a bit more down than up. I'm hoping for better next week though.
I had two job interviews this week. Both of which I feel went well. I'm really hoping I get the job I interviewed for on Monday I really want. Not just in that "wow, a full time job, that'd be awesome" kinda way, but in a "wow, I think I'd really like that job" kinda way. The interview on Thursday is for a temp position, but they're big on the temp to hire thing. Which would also be okay. Solid work would be nice at this point.
I had some hours this week. Worked on Tuesday, Wednesday, and half of Thursday at EcoLab in their production facility. It was okay. Had to spring for a pair of steel toes though. That sucked. Only reason I had the money for it was that I sold a big chunk of my D&D mini's (about 750 or so figures. Kept maybe a 100 or so to use for gaming, and two warbands in case a game ever comes up). I even sold my Drizzit. The only collectable item that's come through my hands that's actually been worth anything. Oh well, I never liked Drizzit anyway, and he kinda sucked in the game. Fuck it, it was just shit taking up space, I just wish I'd have had the time to sell it on Ebay, and not to Cliff's, where I only saw a third of what I could have got. However, I really did need the money right then and there.
Anyway, EcoLab, they kinda played me temp to fire. I was supposed to get work through Friday. However, it just so happens on the day I need to take half off (since I was guaranted that time off for job interviews when I took the post), I was informed that they wouldn't need me on Friday. Huh. Fuck 'em I guess. Didn't get much more then a shit-ton of paper cuts from that place anyway.
Also on the temp front, I was informed that Thomson-Reuters called Kelly Services to tell them how great of an employee I am. I guess I did three weeks worth of work in three days, then more, and had a great attitude the whole time. Aparently they almost never call in with feedback, good or bad, so this compliment is all but unpresidented. Go me! (And yet, I can't seem to find a job... go figure, huh?)
In other news, Cosmics (the coffee house that has employed my roommate for the past 6 years), closed on Monday. I guess they were having money troubles. However, they reopend on Thursday. No one is sure how long that will last mind you, but there it is.
Not a whole lot else to report though. Waiting for next week, when hopefully something will happen. Hopefully.
I had two job interviews this week. Both of which I feel went well. I'm really hoping I get the job I interviewed for on Monday I really want. Not just in that "wow, a full time job, that'd be awesome" kinda way, but in a "wow, I think I'd really like that job" kinda way. The interview on Thursday is for a temp position, but they're big on the temp to hire thing. Which would also be okay. Solid work would be nice at this point.
I had some hours this week. Worked on Tuesday, Wednesday, and half of Thursday at EcoLab in their production facility. It was okay. Had to spring for a pair of steel toes though. That sucked. Only reason I had the money for it was that I sold a big chunk of my D&D mini's (about 750 or so figures. Kept maybe a 100 or so to use for gaming, and two warbands in case a game ever comes up). I even sold my Drizzit. The only collectable item that's come through my hands that's actually been worth anything. Oh well, I never liked Drizzit anyway, and he kinda sucked in the game. Fuck it, it was just shit taking up space, I just wish I'd have had the time to sell it on Ebay, and not to Cliff's, where I only saw a third of what I could have got. However, I really did need the money right then and there.
Anyway, EcoLab, they kinda played me temp to fire. I was supposed to get work through Friday. However, it just so happens on the day I need to take half off (since I was guaranted that time off for job interviews when I took the post), I was informed that they wouldn't need me on Friday. Huh. Fuck 'em I guess. Didn't get much more then a shit-ton of paper cuts from that place anyway.
Also on the temp front, I was informed that Thomson-Reuters called Kelly Services to tell them how great of an employee I am. I guess I did three weeks worth of work in three days, then more, and had a great attitude the whole time. Aparently they almost never call in with feedback, good or bad, so this compliment is all but unpresidented. Go me! (And yet, I can't seem to find a job... go figure, huh?)
In other news, Cosmics (the coffee house that has employed my roommate for the past 6 years), closed on Monday. I guess they were having money troubles. However, they reopend on Thursday. No one is sure how long that will last mind you, but there it is.
Not a whole lot else to report though. Waiting for next week, when hopefully something will happen. Hopefully.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Temp to fire...
I did it again. I worked my way right out of a day and a half of pay. That's right, I worked so hard, and was so damn fast with it, that I finished ahead of schedule, and lost about a day and a half of pay. How 'bout them apples.
Temp to fire.
So, now, here I am, coming up on another week without a job. Luckily, I have an interview on Monday for a real job. Office work, but as long as they pay a decent amount, I don't care. And maybe if that doesn't work out, a life of crime? Or politics. I don't know which would make me feel more disgusted with myself. Anyway, wish me luck on the job interview. This one is even lagit, no crappy door to door sales work or trying to break into the insurance market again. Just normal, steady work. Work I won't be dumb enough to gamble away this time. God I hope I get this one...
Temp to fire.
So, now, here I am, coming up on another week without a job. Luckily, I have an interview on Monday for a real job. Office work, but as long as they pay a decent amount, I don't care. And maybe if that doesn't work out, a life of crime? Or politics. I don't know which would make me feel more disgusted with myself. Anyway, wish me luck on the job interview. This one is even lagit, no crappy door to door sales work or trying to break into the insurance market again. Just normal, steady work. Work I won't be dumb enough to gamble away this time. God I hope I get this one...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Fucking Creationists
One of the articles on the CNN homepage that I read as I got to work was about a HS biology teacher and his battle to teach evolution in the face of creationists. Story. How can these people still allow themselves to be mired in that level of ignorance? How can you be insulted by the ideas of biological evolution? How insanely small minded can you be!!! Gah!! Then there's this shit. Ten Questions to Ask Your Biology Teacher About Evolution. Wow. I mean, wow. I can answear most of them in laymens terms, and I simply want to curb stomp the ass who wrote the book for his abuses of scienctific reasoning. I did find a pretty through responce to it here though.
Wow. Just, well, wow.
Wow. Just, well, wow.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Work of a Sort at Least
Work of a sort at least
The lead though Kelly services didn't pan out, so they're on the hunt for me again, and I'm putting in a full week at the weekend job. As well as an extra four hours tonight. Midnight to Noon. I'll survive it and all, it's just sucky long is all. Ah well. It could be worse. This way I'm going to clock about 20 hours of OT for the next paycheck too...:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Plans as they are is to set up with another temp service and look into some headhunters too. Might get lucky. I'll send out another slew of resume's too, not that it's done me much good. Maybe the law of averages will decided to work in my favor. Don't laugh. I see you laughing over there. Bastard. Meh.
In other news, Coyote Dread gave me a set of Baoding Balls. I'm practicing with my left hand. They're cool. The chimes in them are pleasant. I've wanted a set for a long time, and when Coyote heard that, gifted me the set he had just bought. Mad props to the Coyote. Thanks man, I really dig them. I'm even starting to do okay with the left hand.
This evening was nice though. Hung out at the Cybernetic Juggernaut's place. Watched a movie, had some good eats, hung out with friends, played some Katamari Demaci. Good times, good times.
Anyway, if you're looking for me this week, from Midnight till half past Eight in the AM, this is where I'll be... It's a good chance to wok on my fanfickery, catch up on my reading, and other such efforts (ah, who am I kidding, I'm going to spend most of it watching movies). So, ah, not all bad?
The lead though Kelly services didn't pan out, so they're on the hunt for me again, and I'm putting in a full week at the weekend job. As well as an extra four hours tonight. Midnight to Noon. I'll survive it and all, it's just sucky long is all. Ah well. It could be worse. This way I'm going to clock about 20 hours of OT for the next paycheck too...:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Plans as they are is to set up with another temp service and look into some headhunters too. Might get lucky. I'll send out another slew of resume's too, not that it's done me much good. Maybe the law of averages will decided to work in my favor. Don't laugh. I see you laughing over there. Bastard. Meh.
In other news, Coyote Dread gave me a set of Baoding Balls. I'm practicing with my left hand. They're cool. The chimes in them are pleasant. I've wanted a set for a long time, and when Coyote heard that, gifted me the set he had just bought. Mad props to the Coyote. Thanks man, I really dig them. I'm even starting to do okay with the left hand.
This evening was nice though. Hung out at the Cybernetic Juggernaut's place. Watched a movie, had some good eats, hung out with friends, played some Katamari Demaci. Good times, good times.
Anyway, if you're looking for me this week, from Midnight till half past Eight in the AM, this is where I'll be... It's a good chance to wok on my fanfickery, catch up on my reading, and other such efforts (ah, who am I kidding, I'm going to spend most of it watching movies). So, ah, not all bad?
Monday, August 11, 2008
So, it turns out one of the interviews was for a insurance sales company (I've walked away from better companies, and I walked away from that one too), and a door-to-door sales job. So, yeah, not a whole lot of luck with those.
On the plus side, a little bit of activity out of Kelly again. Hopefully something will come of it sooner than later.
Wish I could afford a bottle to hang out with for the evening. Oh well, probably for the best that I can't.
On the plus side, a little bit of activity out of Kelly again. Hopefully something will come of it sooner than later.
Wish I could afford a bottle to hang out with for the evening. Oh well, probably for the best that I can't.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Fingers Crossed
So I have two job interviews on Monday. I've sent out my resume to something like 25 (maybe 30, I lost track really) business on Thursday and Friday. Let's see how this shit goes.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
This is just getting fucking insane...
Okay, so I'm starting my third week without a job, and I'm god fucking damn getting sick of it. I've been sending out applications for all three weeks, I've had one interview through Kelly for another temp position that if nothing else will hopefully start up next week. I've had one other interview with Prudential Financial, but I don't really want to try my hand at the selling insurance/financial planning thing again. I'm going a little bonkers here. The lack of job is just incredibly frustrating. I'm beginning to wonder what sort of alternative work I could do (read knuckle-dragging), but I don't think I'm quite there yet.
I get it. Okay. Risks are bad. My luck doesn't hold to that sort of shit. Fine. I get it. No more rolling the dice with life. NYLIC was a bad plan. Fine. I know that now. I've learned my lesson, honest to god I've learned my lesson. Now, please, whoever can call of the mother fucking imp who's in charging of making my life difficult, please, just have him let some sort of steady work through. I'd really, really appreciate it. And I promise, I've learned my lesson already. I'm ready to sell out, let that chance slip through.
I get it. Okay. Risks are bad. My luck doesn't hold to that sort of shit. Fine. I get it. No more rolling the dice with life. NYLIC was a bad plan. Fine. I know that now. I've learned my lesson, honest to god I've learned my lesson. Now, please, whoever can call of the mother fucking imp who's in charging of making my life difficult, please, just have him let some sort of steady work through. I'd really, really appreciate it. And I promise, I've learned my lesson already. I'm ready to sell out, let that chance slip through.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Yeah, yeah I think this about sums it up...
Excerpts from a Dog's Diary......
8:00 am - Dog food! My favourite thing!
9:30 am - A car ride! My favourite thing!
9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favourite thing!
10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favourite thing!
12:00 pm - Lunch! My favourite thing!
1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favourite thing!
3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favourite thing!
5:00 pm - Milk bones! My favourite thing!
7:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favourite thing!
8:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favourite thing!
11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favourite thing!
Excerpts from a Cat's Daily Diary. ..
Day 983 of my captivity.
My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects.
They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash
or some sort of dry nuggets Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear,
I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength.
The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape.
In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet.
Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet.
I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates
what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about
what a 'good little hunter' I am. Bas tards.
There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight.
I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event.
However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due
to the power of 'allergies.' I must learn what this means and how to use it to my advantage.
Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors
by weaving around his feet as he was walking.
I must try this again tomorrow -- but at the top of the stairs.
I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches.
The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released - and seems
to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded.
The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicating with the guards regularly.
I am certain that he reports my every move.
My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe.
For now...
8:00 am - Dog food! My favourite thing!
9:30 am - A car ride! My favourite thing!
9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favourite thing!
10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favourite thing!
12:00 pm - Lunch! My favourite thing!
1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favourite thing!
3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favourite thing!
5:00 pm - Milk bones! My favourite thing!
7:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favourite thing!
8:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favourite thing!
11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favourite thing!
Excerpts from a Cat's Daily Diary. ..
Day 983 of my captivity.
My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects.
They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash
or some sort of dry nuggets Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear,
I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength.
The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape.
In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet.
Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet.
I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates
what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about
what a 'good little hunter' I am. Bas tards.
There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight.
I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event.
However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due
to the power of 'allergies.' I must learn what this means and how to use it to my advantage.
Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors
by weaving around his feet as he was walking.
I must try this again tomorrow -- but at the top of the stairs.
I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches.
The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released - and seems
to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded.
The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicating with the guards regularly.
I am certain that he reports my every move.
My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe.
For now...
Super Green
CONvergance is Imminent once more!! That, my friends, that is SUPER GREEN!! Four whole days of geeky fun. That's right, not three like years previous, this year for CON's 10th anniversary, we're looking at four days (well, technically five days because of the Michael Sheard Memorial panel on Monday at 12:01 am. Hats off to you Michael, hats off!!!). Friends have begun to converge in anticipation of next weekend. My time is blocked off. Things are looking pretty damn on track. However, I still have one big decision to make. Vodka or rum for my booze of choice? Last year it was vodka based drinks, and that did pretty well by me. This year I could just rock out the Sailor Cokes all weekend, but that kinda limits my mix options. However, a nice vodka will mix with all sorts of things, including orange juice for breakfast time (hair of the dog and all that...). It's a quandary.
Unlike last year, I won't be part of a group hosting a party. While certainly fun, and something I'll do again, it ate so much of my CON last year, so I'm kinda glad I'm not doing it this year. Oh, and the expense. Shit was that pricey. Worth it, as it was really, REALLY, fun to do, but not something I want to devote my entire CON to again anytime soon. Maybe when the rest of the crew is a bit more organized and won't try to do door duty while drunk/stoned, I'll seriously consider it again. That, and a bit more cash from all those involved. It sucked being one of the people putting up cash and donating a better part of the weekend to room supervising over the weekend too.
But, that's all for another year. This year is about the four day long party, with awesome guests, room parties I'm NOT hosting, tons of free booze, movies when ever I want to watch them, pretty girls in costumes of all sorts, and a just a generally SUPER GREEN time! That's right, not just green, or crystal green, forest green, or any other sort of green I'd want, but super green! Hell, the, fuck, yes...
Unlike last year, I won't be part of a group hosting a party. While certainly fun, and something I'll do again, it ate so much of my CON last year, so I'm kinda glad I'm not doing it this year. Oh, and the expense. Shit was that pricey. Worth it, as it was really, REALLY, fun to do, but not something I want to devote my entire CON to again anytime soon. Maybe when the rest of the crew is a bit more organized and won't try to do door duty while drunk/stoned, I'll seriously consider it again. That, and a bit more cash from all those involved. It sucked being one of the people putting up cash and donating a better part of the weekend to room supervising over the weekend too.
But, that's all for another year. This year is about the four day long party, with awesome guests, room parties I'm NOT hosting, tons of free booze, movies when ever I want to watch them, pretty girls in costumes of all sorts, and a just a generally SUPER GREEN time! That's right, not just green, or crystal green, forest green, or any other sort of green I'd want, but super green! Hell, the, fuck, yes...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Catching Up
So, in the few weeks since I've last posted, I've again changed temp jobs. Since Ohio pulled it's funding from the quite smoking plan that I was working for, Kelly Services had to find me something new. So, now I'm working at MTF (an organ bank) doing paper work for incomming donations (what they call the coolers full of human remains. neat huh?), assembling charts, scanning charts, filling paper work, etc. Not a bad gig. I'm hoping I can rustle up something that pays better next time around of course. And that I don't need to sufer another week of not having a job in between. That's ugg. So far so good though.
I'm totally not organ legging. Totally.
I hung out at the Miller's today. While I short changed myself on about 4 hours of sleep, which is going to make this shift fraking long, I spent a good chunck of time hanging out with friends I havn't been able to hang out with in awhile. I can sleep today. Which, alas, means I'm going to have to bow out of the Saint's game that Tony wants the group to go to. I'd love to go, I really would, the Saint's seem like a fun game to go to. However, I just really need the sleep more. I have game more game tomorrow night, and then another game on Monday night to run. How did I get to the point where I'm gaming 6 days a week???? (Monday: SW mini's/Pick-Up D&D, Wednesday: Rotating RPG, Thursday: Mage LARP, Friday: Pedro's SWSaga Ed game, Saturday: Source Summer game, Sunday: Exalted) I mean, even for me, this is looking like a bit too much. Huh.
I'm totally not organ legging. Totally.
I hung out at the Miller's today. While I short changed myself on about 4 hours of sleep, which is going to make this shift fraking long, I spent a good chunck of time hanging out with friends I havn't been able to hang out with in awhile. I can sleep today. Which, alas, means I'm going to have to bow out of the Saint's game that Tony wants the group to go to. I'd love to go, I really would, the Saint's seem like a fun game to go to. However, I just really need the sleep more. I have game more game tomorrow night, and then another game on Monday night to run. How did I get to the point where I'm gaming 6 days a week???? (Monday: SW mini's/Pick-Up D&D, Wednesday: Rotating RPG, Thursday: Mage LARP, Friday: Pedro's SWSaga Ed game, Saturday: Source Summer game, Sunday: Exalted) I mean, even for me, this is looking like a bit too much. Huh.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
My Reunion
My 10 year high school reunion was last night. I had a decent time. Chit chatted with many a random former classmate. Offended a few when I spoke about how much I wanted St. Agnes (our alma mater) to close down. I was told that was horrible. I said I knew, and it was great! Saw Eman there, and he was doing well. No JP or Jim though, and they were the folks I really wanted to get caught up with. Nor was Craig, Chris, or a few other random folks there. However, it turned out that almost everyone there remembered my name. I on the other hand, remembered like 4. Huh. Well, if I decide to go to the 20 year, I'll make sure to review the yearbook first. lol.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
I just had some stupid intense Deja Vu.I'm watching The Seeker: Darkness Rising (ain't Netflix grand?) and at one part of the movie that was not in any previews I can think about, I suddenly knew how the scene would play out, complete with the odd tilt to the camera angel. A few things in the environment didn't match up, but that was really, REALLY distinct in the moment.
Tales from The Bar
So, after Wednesday game, we usually wonder over to O'Garas. Drink, hang out, BS, etc. Sometime that's funnier then others. This week was one of those times.So, some of us were out front, hanging out and generally BSing, waiting for the smokers to finish up befor we troop in. We're joing by Gwen, a member of the O'Garas clan, and continue our talking. Shortly, we're also joined by a random drunk. And, wow, was this guy blitzed. So, at one point he looks at Gwen and states, with that candor and confidence that comes from being shit faced: "You like like a guy with boobs. Why is that?" To save some small amount of face, I took off about 20 feet down the street, while another friend went the about the same in the opposite direction. "Why?" you may ask. Well, because you see, that's exactly what Gwen is. God's little mistake.
Friday, May 30, 2008
It just hit me
On my Google homepage, I have a feed of Calvin and Hobbes comics. As I was looking at today's offering, I tried to remember if I'd read it. I must have, since I own all the collections. However, I just couldn't remember what comes of this particular wacky adventure. I wondered if this had been one of the comics my Grandpa had saved for me, back when it was in the Minneapolis paper and not the St Paul. Then it hit me that my grandpa's gone. Twisted a little bit inside. Felt weird. Not like I was about to cry or get caught up or something, just, well, weird.
So, some friends convinced me to play in a local Vampire LARP. I wasn't going to, but they said I could be part of the circle of Mages, and I was in. So, my Hermetic Mage is all set to go. I'm working on my Rotes today at work. Since a "classic" language theme is pretty common with Hermetics, I've decided to go Egyptian. So, I'm going to try and hunt down a cane and some other various props to cover in Egyptian Hieroglyphs. As dirty as LARPing makes me feel, I am looking forward to this. I'm so going to fuck with these vampires... muwhahahaha.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Theory on how CON is going to go down
So, my room mate, Sherv, and I were talking about CONvergance a bit last weekend. I finally got my hotel confirmation, we're in the back-up back-up across the street. *sigh* However, we know plenty of people in the hotel proper that should be able to stage booze for us. And really, that's what counts.
Anyway, here's how Sherv and I have figured it's going to go down. Input is naturally appreciated...
Thursday night is, basically, going to be like Friday night normally is. Some drinking, some parties, some rabble rousing. Everyone getting into the CON mood. Friday night, is going to be like Saturday night, but MORE SO! By Friday, everyone's livers will be warmed up, the parties will be going full steam, and the drinking and carousing will be hitting the high notes. However, we don't need to check out the next day! The parties, and drinking, is going to be insane! Then, Saturday night, will be some weird combination of a normal CON Saturday, plus Dead Dog. And with the numbers that CON aught to have this year, they might be fully existing side by side! This is when the test of endurance will come in. Can you stand another night of that much over indulgence and vices?!?!?! Sunday, Sunday will be Dead Dog's Dead Dog. People will just be drained from the weekend, trying their best to check out on time, and blearily preregistering. Dead Dog? Dear goddess, those that actually Dead Dog this year will be my personal heroes.
It's going to be beautiful...
Anyway, here's how Sherv and I have figured it's going to go down. Input is naturally appreciated...
Thursday night is, basically, going to be like Friday night normally is. Some drinking, some parties, some rabble rousing. Everyone getting into the CON mood. Friday night, is going to be like Saturday night, but MORE SO! By Friday, everyone's livers will be warmed up, the parties will be going full steam, and the drinking and carousing will be hitting the high notes. However, we don't need to check out the next day! The parties, and drinking, is going to be insane! Then, Saturday night, will be some weird combination of a normal CON Saturday, plus Dead Dog. And with the numbers that CON aught to have this year, they might be fully existing side by side! This is when the test of endurance will come in. Can you stand another night of that much over indulgence and vices?!?!?! Sunday, Sunday will be Dead Dog's Dead Dog. People will just be drained from the weekend, trying their best to check out on time, and blearily preregistering. Dead Dog? Dear goddess, those that actually Dead Dog this year will be my personal heroes.
It's going to be beautiful...
Reasons why I hate 4th ed
The design team. As near as I can tell, it's made up of a bunch of arrogant pricks. Take this for example, an excerpt from today's preview article on archons (a new sub-set of elementals) (underline added for emphasis):
Yes, "thankfully!" Yeah, because, I know I'm thankful that you're taking a shit on the classics. As I said, arrogant prick. Also, a quick look at editions previous shows us a wide variety of "quasi" and "para" elementals to fulfill any little hole you might need. Now, if they wanted to impress me, that would have been a chlorine elemental...
"But the Elemental Chaos is vast, and fire and ice are only two of the many forms it takes. Now that we’ve (thankfully!) separated the word “elemental” in the D&D sense from the classical Greek elements of earth, fire, air, and water, there’s plenty of room for archons of your own design."
Yes, "thankfully!" Yeah, because, I know I'm thankful that you're taking a shit on the classics. As I said, arrogant prick. Also, a quick look at editions previous shows us a wide variety of "quasi" and "para" elementals to fulfill any little hole you might need. Now, if they wanted to impress me, that would have been a chlorine elemental...
Sunday, May 18, 2008
4th ed D&D
The Source has advance copies of the PHB, DMG, and MM. I had time to do a page through of the PHB and MM. My thoughts are as follows...
Character class section is freaking huge. Most of the book is devoted to it in fact. Makes sense since everyone’s basically a spellcaster. I didn't give to through a look at any one class, but I didn't really see any I wanted to play. Since I'm a ranger geek though, I paid a bit more attention to them. Still shoehorning you into either dual weapons or bow. 3/3.5 did the same thing, but they eventually branched into different places with it, 4th would have been served well to do the same.
I was pleased to see that the fighter (I looked at all his "utility" typed powers) had nothing to replace a wizards flight and teleport. Not that he can’t do that though by using rituals.
Evasion and mettle are now feats. Plenty of feats all around from the looks of things. You total out at 18 feats at level 30 (more from certain races like human). Far fewer skills. Each class looks like it locks you into certain skills when you take it. Less up front customizations on the player part in that regard. But it's not about what you know, it's about your host of combat abilities.
Wizards are now a sorcerer with a spell book. What do I mean? Well, you get those nifty abilities like everyone else, but as near as I can tell, wizards are the only one that puts them all down in their spell book. Oh, and I didn't see any rule for just adding more to your spell book accept for when you gain levels. And if you retrain a spell, it simply vanishes from your spell book. So in other words, you're a sorcerer, with a spell book. I think rituals can be put in there though, which is an edge for them, since it looked like you need to burn a scroll otherwise. Which, unless clerics have something similar, means wizards are better at bring people back to life... CRAZY!!
Also, on the subject of Wizards, no Wish. Not there. Not anywhere as near as I can tell. Not a Wizard spell (and I looked through them all, nada). Not a ritual. And Efreeti don't get it either. Now, it might be tucked away in the DMG, but I didn't look through that one.
Rituals, or “the spells that everyone gets.” Like, Raise Dead. And Scry. And at least one teleport if I'm not mistaken. Mass fly might have been in there too. So, yeah, why do we need the wizard and his spell book? Seriously, the hell??
There’s only one big chart for character advancement, which threw me when I looked under the fighter class for their progress chart. It has everything from how many powers a character gets, to XP to level, to number of feats. Ability gains go two +1 (to separate scores) and a few +1 to all scores. I didn't notice any stat bump tomes or manuals in the PHB, but I wasn't looking. I also just realized that I never noticed a chart for defense progression or BAB progression. I probably just missed it. *shrug*
Healing potions kinda blow, in my most humble of opinions, but I think the whole healing mechanic needs work all around. For example, the basic healing potion is a level 5 item. When you use it, it triggers one of your healing surges and instead of the normal number of hp restored, it restores 10. Period. A Healing surge normally restores 1/4 of your max. So as soon as you hit 40 hp, the low level potion is useless. Sure, it’s only 50gp, but still, nothing? The next potion is at level 15, and it gives back 25 (so if you have 100 or more hp, not going to do to much). At level 20 treasure you'll start to see potions that give you back 50 (and since HP is static, and you only get your con to it at first level, this might actually be a decent number). At level 25, you have the big one that can bring you back to life within one round (which is pretty cool, don't get me wrong), or if you're not dead give you back 50hp and allow you to make another save against all effects on you. So in other words, force feed a high level adventurer low level potions until he just can't heal anymore for the day.
Since I’ve already mentioned it, Raise dead. The ritual has a variable cost for material, however it only works on someone who’s been dead for no more then 30 days, regardless (I didn’t read what the gentle repose ritual does, but that might suspend that or something). It costs 500 gp to bring back 1-10th level characters. 5000 for 11-20. 50,000 for 21-30. When you're brought back to life, you have a -1 to all the relevant rolling and static stuff until you've passed three benchmarks (a benchmark being 2 fights in a row without using the camp command the rest action (long or short). Which means that you better get out there and beat the hell out of some stuff after you're back on your feet, or those long social encounters could really screw you over.
Alignments are as follows: Lawful good, good, unaligned, evil, and chaotic evil. *Sigh* The hell? I mean, really now, the hell? Cause chaos is always evil, and law is always good? It's nice that they didn't throw them away entirely though. I guess?
On the book itself. Art is nice, a little cartoony, but nice. I don't think I saw an iconic characters though. I saw some of 3rd eds iconic (I think I recall a Redgin getting raised at one point), but no new ones. Which is too damn bad, as that was just really cool. I liked seeing where they'd pop up in various books and modules. Racial blocks were okay. A little hard to navigate the character classes, as each could have easily been made its own chapter worth of material. An insane amount of page flipping or flash card making for every character is what it feels like players will need. Neither is an inherently bad thing, but it can slow down game play.
The index was a page. A page. Not helpful at all for things like, oh I don't know, the massive amount of special abilities each class now has. I mean, seriously, White Wolf does more of an appendix then that (sure, they don't do great appendix’s, but at least it's got some meat on its bones, as it were). 3/3.5 PHB had a far superior layout as far as that's concerned.
I forgot to take a look at the special actions in the combat chapter to see if they made any of that more playable. Wish I could comment on it, but alas I can not.
In general, it's going to be very hard to master the system. The guy playing the fighter is going to need to bring his PHB, and probably then some, to game. And isn't the whole point of playing a fighter not having to do that? (Okay, it's just one reason, but still...)
On to the Monster Manual.
Something I noticed when I was done with it was that there where no good aligned creatures in it. Hell, the Unicorn is now unaligned (which is total bullshit!). While there were plenty of unaligned creatures, and some with any as well, not one creature in there was any flavor of good. Wow. I guess all the good aligned critters out there are on a coffee break? Or are just keeping their heads down?
No earth, air, water, or fire elementals. The elementals under the Elemental heading are composite elementals of two different types. And there were few that were made from quasi/para elementals and a true. I have no idea if they're going to stick with the classic four western elements though. Ice and fire archons were both presented. And here I thought that sort of duality was lazy... Can I call shenanigans on that?
Quite a bit of recycled art from 3/3.5. Not just a little recycled, but cut and paste, exact images. The fuck? While I expect that from Palladium books, I don’t expect that from a new edition of D&D. All in all, the art was a mixed bag in the MM. I for one didn't like the picture of the war troll, which looked rather dumpy and uninspiring. As commented earlier, the art in general has a much more, cartoonish feel to it then previous editions. I’m not really down on it, but at the same time I'm not that happy with that aspect. It’s the colors I think, they were just a little too pronounced in some ways. And the outlines. Cartoonish.
Didn't really see anything presented as a template either. This is a big failing if you ask me. Templates were a wonderful way of customizing monsters. Just an awesome way to go about it, hands down.
In general, I don't know how well the monster customization thing is going to go. Unless a big chunk of the DMG is devoted to the non-PC classes, then there's not going to be a lot of variety to the monsters as you advance them, just some more HP and better attacks. At least, not anywhere near as much as PC's are going to get. Of course, they might just draw from the same lists as the PC classes, but then why call them something else? It was implied that the DMG had more info on these. Now, I am aware that the same can be said about advancing monsters in 3.x. However, when compared against the variety and potency of PC powers, it'd be a shame if the monsters cann't reflect a little bit of that, especially since they all have different classes they're based off of, so who knows if they can get the PC goodies at all. If not, or the equivalent, I'm gonna call "lame" on that.
Dragons. As I already said, there where no good creatures in the MM, so the metallic’s were absent. Each of the five chromatic had four stat blocks given: young, adult, old, ancient. No age category charts like editions previous. While this might end up in the Chromatic Draconomicon, it was still fail not to have it in the core. Especially for the 3rd party companies, depending on what books Wizards adds to the new game license. Dracolich was also core. Good to see.
Shifters were in the MM, and that was cool. I like shifters. I'm sure they're playable, but since I don't really understand the new format for the block, I couldn't tell you what they look like as a base race.
Fewer things like vermin and animals. No block of just dire animals either, or dinosaurs. Dire versions are in with the normal versions of the animals, if applicable. *shrug* I liked the way that 3.x did it personally, but to each their own. For example, no stats for just a wolf. I guess all the bigger, meaner creatures ate the normal wolves?
Tarrasque weights in at level 30. Only thing bigger was Orcus from the looks of things, at level 33. While it's nice to see Orcus back in core, it would have been nice to see another few heavy hitters at that 30+ level of power (like a level 31 and 32 threat as well). That’s not really a critique, just a “wow, that would have been cool!” Anyway, Big T can not be killed. At all. You can only beat the hell out of him so bad that he goes back to sleep. There are theories that one could destroy the Big T by dragging him to another world, where he wouldn’t have the same potency anymore. But, yeah, no killing the Tarrasque! EVAR!!!!
As said previously, Efreeti no longer grant wishes. And now I'm going to ask: "what the mother fuck is up with that?" That's the whole thing they do. They grant wishes. That's the myths about them. It's what Genie do! That’s not just D&D either, that's the legends that the creature was based off of. The hell? They took away wish. Again, maybe it's tucked away in the DMG, but I'm not holding my breath.
Skeletons and zombies both had interesting entries, but didn't seem to be templates. If they were, it looks like a bit more work to apply them. Again, didn't give a hard look to those entries, so I'm not 100% sure. Just my impression.
So, that's what my impressions where.
For those who said, TL;DR, allow me to sum up: Over all, I'm not impressed. While some things looked neat, it doesn't look like D&D. Just some other game dressed up like it. I'm going to take another look at the MM and page through the DMG on Monday, when I'm at my FLGS for my bi-weekly Star Wars mini's game.
I'll probably post some more here when I've paged through the MM again and the DMG.
I like to be a well informed complainer.
Character class section is freaking huge. Most of the book is devoted to it in fact. Makes sense since everyone’s basically a spellcaster. I didn't give to through a look at any one class, but I didn't really see any I wanted to play. Since I'm a ranger geek though, I paid a bit more attention to them. Still shoehorning you into either dual weapons or bow. 3/3.5 did the same thing, but they eventually branched into different places with it, 4th would have been served well to do the same.
I was pleased to see that the fighter (I looked at all his "utility" typed powers) had nothing to replace a wizards flight and teleport. Not that he can’t do that though by using rituals.
Evasion and mettle are now feats. Plenty of feats all around from the looks of things. You total out at 18 feats at level 30 (more from certain races like human). Far fewer skills. Each class looks like it locks you into certain skills when you take it. Less up front customizations on the player part in that regard. But it's not about what you know, it's about your host of combat abilities.
Wizards are now a sorcerer with a spell book. What do I mean? Well, you get those nifty abilities like everyone else, but as near as I can tell, wizards are the only one that puts them all down in their spell book. Oh, and I didn't see any rule for just adding more to your spell book accept for when you gain levels. And if you retrain a spell, it simply vanishes from your spell book. So in other words, you're a sorcerer, with a spell book. I think rituals can be put in there though, which is an edge for them, since it looked like you need to burn a scroll otherwise. Which, unless clerics have something similar, means wizards are better at bring people back to life... CRAZY!!
Also, on the subject of Wizards, no Wish. Not there. Not anywhere as near as I can tell. Not a Wizard spell (and I looked through them all, nada). Not a ritual. And Efreeti don't get it either. Now, it might be tucked away in the DMG, but I didn't look through that one.
Rituals, or “the spells that everyone gets.” Like, Raise Dead. And Scry. And at least one teleport if I'm not mistaken. Mass fly might have been in there too. So, yeah, why do we need the wizard and his spell book? Seriously, the hell??
There’s only one big chart for character advancement, which threw me when I looked under the fighter class for their progress chart. It has everything from how many powers a character gets, to XP to level, to number of feats. Ability gains go two +1 (to separate scores) and a few +1 to all scores. I didn't notice any stat bump tomes or manuals in the PHB, but I wasn't looking. I also just realized that I never noticed a chart for defense progression or BAB progression. I probably just missed it. *shrug*
Healing potions kinda blow, in my most humble of opinions, but I think the whole healing mechanic needs work all around. For example, the basic healing potion is a level 5 item. When you use it, it triggers one of your healing surges and instead of the normal number of hp restored, it restores 10. Period. A Healing surge normally restores 1/4 of your max. So as soon as you hit 40 hp, the low level potion is useless. Sure, it’s only 50gp, but still, nothing? The next potion is at level 15, and it gives back 25 (so if you have 100 or more hp, not going to do to much). At level 20 treasure you'll start to see potions that give you back 50 (and since HP is static, and you only get your con to it at first level, this might actually be a decent number). At level 25, you have the big one that can bring you back to life within one round (which is pretty cool, don't get me wrong), or if you're not dead give you back 50hp and allow you to make another save against all effects on you. So in other words, force feed a high level adventurer low level potions until he just can't heal anymore for the day.
Since I’ve already mentioned it, Raise dead. The ritual has a variable cost for material, however it only works on someone who’s been dead for no more then 30 days, regardless (I didn’t read what the gentle repose ritual does, but that might suspend that or something). It costs 500 gp to bring back 1-10th level characters. 5000 for 11-20. 50,000 for 21-30. When you're brought back to life, you have a -1 to all the relevant rolling and static stuff until you've passed three benchmarks (a benchmark being 2 fights in a row without using the camp command the rest action (long or short). Which means that you better get out there and beat the hell out of some stuff after you're back on your feet, or those long social encounters could really screw you over.
Alignments are as follows: Lawful good, good, unaligned, evil, and chaotic evil. *Sigh* The hell? I mean, really now, the hell? Cause chaos is always evil, and law is always good? It's nice that they didn't throw them away entirely though. I guess?
On the book itself. Art is nice, a little cartoony, but nice. I don't think I saw an iconic characters though. I saw some of 3rd eds iconic (I think I recall a Redgin getting raised at one point), but no new ones. Which is too damn bad, as that was just really cool. I liked seeing where they'd pop up in various books and modules. Racial blocks were okay. A little hard to navigate the character classes, as each could have easily been made its own chapter worth of material. An insane amount of page flipping or flash card making for every character is what it feels like players will need. Neither is an inherently bad thing, but it can slow down game play.
The index was a page. A page. Not helpful at all for things like, oh I don't know, the massive amount of special abilities each class now has. I mean, seriously, White Wolf does more of an appendix then that (sure, they don't do great appendix’s, but at least it's got some meat on its bones, as it were). 3/3.5 PHB had a far superior layout as far as that's concerned.
I forgot to take a look at the special actions in the combat chapter to see if they made any of that more playable. Wish I could comment on it, but alas I can not.
In general, it's going to be very hard to master the system. The guy playing the fighter is going to need to bring his PHB, and probably then some, to game. And isn't the whole point of playing a fighter not having to do that? (Okay, it's just one reason, but still...)
On to the Monster Manual.
Something I noticed when I was done with it was that there where no good aligned creatures in it. Hell, the Unicorn is now unaligned (which is total bullshit!). While there were plenty of unaligned creatures, and some with any as well, not one creature in there was any flavor of good. Wow. I guess all the good aligned critters out there are on a coffee break? Or are just keeping their heads down?
No earth, air, water, or fire elementals. The elementals under the Elemental heading are composite elementals of two different types. And there were few that were made from quasi/para elementals and a true. I have no idea if they're going to stick with the classic four western elements though. Ice and fire archons were both presented. And here I thought that sort of duality was lazy... Can I call shenanigans on that?
Quite a bit of recycled art from 3/3.5. Not just a little recycled, but cut and paste, exact images. The fuck? While I expect that from Palladium books, I don’t expect that from a new edition of D&D. All in all, the art was a mixed bag in the MM. I for one didn't like the picture of the war troll, which looked rather dumpy and uninspiring. As commented earlier, the art in general has a much more, cartoonish feel to it then previous editions. I’m not really down on it, but at the same time I'm not that happy with that aspect. It’s the colors I think, they were just a little too pronounced in some ways. And the outlines. Cartoonish.
Didn't really see anything presented as a template either. This is a big failing if you ask me. Templates were a wonderful way of customizing monsters. Just an awesome way to go about it, hands down.
In general, I don't know how well the monster customization thing is going to go. Unless a big chunk of the DMG is devoted to the non-PC classes, then there's not going to be a lot of variety to the monsters as you advance them, just some more HP and better attacks. At least, not anywhere near as much as PC's are going to get. Of course, they might just draw from the same lists as the PC classes, but then why call them something else? It was implied that the DMG had more info on these. Now, I am aware that the same can be said about advancing monsters in 3.x. However, when compared against the variety and potency of PC powers, it'd be a shame if the monsters cann't reflect a little bit of that, especially since they all have different classes they're based off of, so who knows if they can get the PC goodies at all. If not, or the equivalent, I'm gonna call "lame" on that.
Dragons. As I already said, there where no good creatures in the MM, so the metallic’s were absent. Each of the five chromatic had four stat blocks given: young, adult, old, ancient. No age category charts like editions previous. While this might end up in the Chromatic Draconomicon, it was still fail not to have it in the core. Especially for the 3rd party companies, depending on what books Wizards adds to the new game license. Dracolich was also core. Good to see.
Shifters were in the MM, and that was cool. I like shifters. I'm sure they're playable, but since I don't really understand the new format for the block, I couldn't tell you what they look like as a base race.
Fewer things like vermin and animals. No block of just dire animals either, or dinosaurs. Dire versions are in with the normal versions of the animals, if applicable. *shrug* I liked the way that 3.x did it personally, but to each their own. For example, no stats for just a wolf. I guess all the bigger, meaner creatures ate the normal wolves?
Tarrasque weights in at level 30. Only thing bigger was Orcus from the looks of things, at level 33. While it's nice to see Orcus back in core, it would have been nice to see another few heavy hitters at that 30+ level of power (like a level 31 and 32 threat as well). That’s not really a critique, just a “wow, that would have been cool!” Anyway, Big T can not be killed. At all. You can only beat the hell out of him so bad that he goes back to sleep. There are theories that one could destroy the Big T by dragging him to another world, where he wouldn’t have the same potency anymore. But, yeah, no killing the Tarrasque! EVAR!!!!
As said previously, Efreeti no longer grant wishes. And now I'm going to ask: "what the mother fuck is up with that?" That's the whole thing they do. They grant wishes. That's the myths about them. It's what Genie do! That’s not just D&D either, that's the legends that the creature was based off of. The hell? They took away wish. Again, maybe it's tucked away in the DMG, but I'm not holding my breath.
Skeletons and zombies both had interesting entries, but didn't seem to be templates. If they were, it looks like a bit more work to apply them. Again, didn't give a hard look to those entries, so I'm not 100% sure. Just my impression.
So, that's what my impressions where.
For those who said, TL;DR, allow me to sum up: Over all, I'm not impressed. While some things looked neat, it doesn't look like D&D. Just some other game dressed up like it. I'm going to take another look at the MM and page through the DMG on Monday, when I'm at my FLGS for my bi-weekly Star Wars mini's game.
I'll probably post some more here when I've paged through the MM again and the DMG.
I like to be a well informed complainer.
Friday, May 2, 2008
So, they want to change the schedule to have us work four weekdays and a weekend day. While I'm basically okay with that, there's a bit of a problem. I work another job on the weekend. I work from 1230 at night to 830 in the morning. These guys are only open until 5:30 in the evening. That means stating about, oh, 9:30 or 10 am. This could be bad. Shit, I don't want to dig for a new job goddamnit....
Details will follow, since I need to call into Kelly later today. Like in 5 minutes or so...
((EDIT)): Well, for the next 2-4 weeks, I'm working Tue-Fri and Sunday. Which means Sunday becomes a hell shift day as well. However, I do get Monday off for it.
Details will follow, since I need to call into Kelly later today. Like in 5 minutes or so...
((EDIT)): Well, for the next 2-4 weeks, I'm working Tue-Fri and Sunday. Which means Sunday becomes a hell shift day as well. However, I do get Monday off for it.
So, they want to change the schedule to have us work four weekdays and a weekend day. While I'm basically okay with that, there's a bit of a problem. I work another job on the weekend. I work from 1230 at night to 830 in the morning. These guys are only open until 5:30 in the evening. That means stating about, oh, 9:30 or 10 am. This could be bad. Shit, I don't want to dig for a new job goddamnit....
Details will follow, since I need to call into Kelly later today. Like in 5 minutes or so...
Details will follow, since I need to call into Kelly later today. Like in 5 minutes or so...
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Hunter: The Vigil
Hunter: The Vigil...
No street date yet. Now subpage yet. But it's coming...
Quote: |
As long as monsters have prowled the darkness, brave and desperate mortals have walked out of the protective ring of firelight to pursue those shadows. Some die. Many go mad. But someone else always picks up the candle and steps into the dark... |
No street date yet. Now subpage yet. But it's coming...
In my neck of the woods, there's a big street party called Grand Old Days (celebrated along Grand Ave, here in St Paul) every spring. Good times, lot's of live music, drinking, and so on. Now, typically, I don't do much for Grand Old, as for the last few years it's gotten a bit, well stupid rowdy. Friends have nearly been forced into fights with drunks, the crowds have gotten really dumb, etc. This year, I had no real plans. That all changed a few night's ago.
It was about midnight or so when there's a knock on the door to my apartment. Now, we're not sure what's going on, as while we were being a bit loud, nothing too bad. Turns out it is a neighbor, but he's not there to complain. He actually wondered over because he heard the noise and wanted to ask my roommate and I for a favor. You see, he wants to throw a big party fro Grand Old (hence my background on that from above). However, he wants to provide a bit more space for the party. So, he asked if we'd like to contribute some space to the endeavor. He's already ordering food to the tune of a $1000 (and is something of a gourmet chef), and then booze on top of that. I guess he's a doctor from time to time...
So, all we need to do is make sure the apartment is spic and span, and we get free food, booze, and attractive women to come over for a day of partying. Yeah, I think we'd be happy to help out... I love my neighbors.
It was about midnight or so when there's a knock on the door to my apartment. Now, we're not sure what's going on, as while we were being a bit loud, nothing too bad. Turns out it is a neighbor, but he's not there to complain. He actually wondered over because he heard the noise and wanted to ask my roommate and I for a favor. You see, he wants to throw a big party fro Grand Old (hence my background on that from above). However, he wants to provide a bit more space for the party. So, he asked if we'd like to contribute some space to the endeavor. He's already ordering food to the tune of a $1000 (and is something of a gourmet chef), and then booze on top of that. I guess he's a doctor from time to time...
So, all we need to do is make sure the apartment is spic and span, and we get free food, booze, and attractive women to come over for a day of partying. Yeah, I think we'd be happy to help out... I love my neighbors.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Something of an oldie...
I stumbled across a link to this interview with Neal Stephenson on Slashdot
from Dumpshock
, a Shadowrun forum. Now, it is a few years old, but since I hadn't seen it yet, I wanted to pass it along. I found it to be amusing. If you're reading this BLOG, you must have some similar opinions. Thus, here it is. Enjoy!
4) Who would win? (Score:5, Funny) - by Call Me Black Cloud
In a fight between you and William Gibson, who would win?
You don't have to settle for mere idle speculation. Let me tell you how it came out on the three occasions when we did fight.
The first time was a year or two after SNOW CRASH came out. I was doing a reading/signing at White Dwarf Books in Vancouver. Gibson stopped by to say hello and extended his hand as if to shake. But I remembered something Bruce Sterling had told me. For, at the time, Sterling and I had formed a pact to fight Gibson. Gibson had been regrown in a vat from scraps of DNA after Sterling had crashed an LNG tanker into Gibson's Stealth pleasure barge in the Straits of Juan de Fuca. During the regeneration process, telescoping Carbonite stilettos had been incorporated into Gibson's arms. Remembering this in the nick of time, I grabbed the signing table and flipped it up between us. Of course the Carbonite stilettos pierced it as if it were cork board, but this spoiled his aim long enough for me to whip my wakizashi out from between my shoulder blades and swing at his head. He deflected the blow with a force blast that sprained my wrist. The falling table knocked over a space heater and set fire to the store. Everyone else fled. Gibson and I dueled among blazing stacks of books for a while. Slowly I gained the upper hand, for, on defense, his Praying Mantis style was no match for my Flying Cloud technique. But I lost him behind a cloud of smoke. Then I had to get out of the place. The streets were crowded with his black-suited minions and I had to turn into a swarm of locusts and fly back to Seattle.
The second time was a few years later when Gibson came through Seattle on his IDORU tour. Between doing some drive-by signings at local bookstores, he came and devastated my quarter of the city. I had been in a trance for seven days and seven nights and was unaware of these goings-on, but he came to me in a vision and taunted me, and left a message on my cellphone. That evening he was doing a reading at Kane Hall on the University of Washington campus. Swathed in black, I climbed to the top of the hall, mesmerized his snipers, sliced a hole in the roof using a plasma cutter, let myself into the catwalks above the stage, and then leapt down upon him from forty feet above. But I had forgotten that he had once studied in the same monastery as I, and knew all of my techniques. He rolled away at the last moment. I struck only the lectern, smashing it to kindling. Snatching up one jagged shard of oak I adopted the Mountain Tiger position just as you would expect. He pulled off his wireless mike and began to whirl it around his head. From there, the fight proceeded along predictable lines. As a stalemate developed we began to resort more and more to the use of pure energy, modulated by Red Lotus incantations of the third Sung group, which eventually to the collapse of the building's roof and the loss of eight hundred lives. But as they were only peasants, we did not care.
Our third fight occurred at the Peace Arch on the U.S./Canadian border between Seattle and Vancouver. Gibson wished to retire from that sort of lifestyle that required ceaseless training in the martial arts and sleeping outdoors under the rain. He only wished to sit in his garden brushing out novels on rice paper. But honor dictated that he must fight me for a third time first. Of course the Peace Arch did not remain standing for long. Before long my sword arm hung useless at my side. One of my psi blasts kicked up a large divot of earth and rubble, uncovering a silver metallic object, hitherto buried, that seemed to have been crafted by an industrial designer. It was a nitro-veridian device that had been buried there by Sterling. We were able to fly clear before it detonated. The blast caused a seismic rupture that split off a sizable part of Canada and created what we now know as Vancouver Island. This was the last fight between me and Gibson. For both of us, by studying certain ancient prophecies, had independently arrived at the same conclusion, namely that Sterling's professed interest in industrial design was a mere cover for work in superweapons. Gibson and I formed a pact to fight Sterling. So far we have made little headway in seeking out his lair of brushed steel and white LEDs, because I had a dentist appointment and Gibson had to attend a writers' conference, but keep an eye on Slashdot for any further developments.
4) Who would win? (Score:5, Funny) - by Call Me Black Cloud
In a fight between you and William Gibson, who would win?
You don't have to settle for mere idle speculation. Let me tell you how it came out on the three occasions when we did fight.
The first time was a year or two after SNOW CRASH came out. I was doing a reading/signing at White Dwarf Books in Vancouver. Gibson stopped by to say hello and extended his hand as if to shake. But I remembered something Bruce Sterling had told me. For, at the time, Sterling and I had formed a pact to fight Gibson. Gibson had been regrown in a vat from scraps of DNA after Sterling had crashed an LNG tanker into Gibson's Stealth pleasure barge in the Straits of Juan de Fuca. During the regeneration process, telescoping Carbonite stilettos had been incorporated into Gibson's arms. Remembering this in the nick of time, I grabbed the signing table and flipped it up between us. Of course the Carbonite stilettos pierced it as if it were cork board, but this spoiled his aim long enough for me to whip my wakizashi out from between my shoulder blades and swing at his head. He deflected the blow with a force blast that sprained my wrist. The falling table knocked over a space heater and set fire to the store. Everyone else fled. Gibson and I dueled among blazing stacks of books for a while. Slowly I gained the upper hand, for, on defense, his Praying Mantis style was no match for my Flying Cloud technique. But I lost him behind a cloud of smoke. Then I had to get out of the place. The streets were crowded with his black-suited minions and I had to turn into a swarm of locusts and fly back to Seattle.
The second time was a few years later when Gibson came through Seattle on his IDORU tour. Between doing some drive-by signings at local bookstores, he came and devastated my quarter of the city. I had been in a trance for seven days and seven nights and was unaware of these goings-on, but he came to me in a vision and taunted me, and left a message on my cellphone. That evening he was doing a reading at Kane Hall on the University of Washington campus. Swathed in black, I climbed to the top of the hall, mesmerized his snipers, sliced a hole in the roof using a plasma cutter, let myself into the catwalks above the stage, and then leapt down upon him from forty feet above. But I had forgotten that he had once studied in the same monastery as I, and knew all of my techniques. He rolled away at the last moment. I struck only the lectern, smashing it to kindling. Snatching up one jagged shard of oak I adopted the Mountain Tiger position just as you would expect. He pulled off his wireless mike and began to whirl it around his head. From there, the fight proceeded along predictable lines. As a stalemate developed we began to resort more and more to the use of pure energy, modulated by Red Lotus incantations of the third Sung group, which eventually to the collapse of the building's roof and the loss of eight hundred lives. But as they were only peasants, we did not care.
Our third fight occurred at the Peace Arch on the U.S./Canadian border between Seattle and Vancouver. Gibson wished to retire from that sort of lifestyle that required ceaseless training in the martial arts and sleeping outdoors under the rain. He only wished to sit in his garden brushing out novels on rice paper. But honor dictated that he must fight me for a third time first. Of course the Peace Arch did not remain standing for long. Before long my sword arm hung useless at my side. One of my psi blasts kicked up a large divot of earth and rubble, uncovering a silver metallic object, hitherto buried, that seemed to have been crafted by an industrial designer. It was a nitro-veridian device that had been buried there by Sterling. We were able to fly clear before it detonated. The blast caused a seismic rupture that split off a sizable part of Canada and created what we now know as Vancouver Island. This was the last fight between me and Gibson. For both of us, by studying certain ancient prophecies, had independently arrived at the same conclusion, namely that Sterling's professed interest in industrial design was a mere cover for work in superweapons. Gibson and I formed a pact to fight Sterling. So far we have made little headway in seeking out his lair of brushed steel and white LEDs, because I had a dentist appointment and Gibson had to attend a writers' conference, but keep an eye on Slashdot for any further developments.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
d20 Modern: The Incursion
While I'm still resolute in my desire to not run anything for my Sunday night group (*grumble, grumble* rules lawyering *grumble, grumble*), the friend running Scion on Wednesday night is getting a lot of burnout from life in general, and might have to call a break sooner then expected. Luckily for all involved at that merry table, inspiration has struck me for a campaign to run. Now, I don't really feel a strait sword and sorcery at the moment. While I'd like to do an Urban Fantasy game, I don't really want to run Shadowrun right now. I've also wanted to run the Incursion Scenario from Dragon 309, and Dungeon 100 for a bit. Hence, I'm going to squish the two together and see what happens.
Here's the basic rule ideas for it. I'm going to include Urban Arcana. I'm not going to make it a double whammy of weird new race and magic. I'm also going to move the PL a little bit forward on a few types of tech. Mecha and Cybernetics will be at PL 6, but not readily available. Those are the armed force's newest toys, thankyouverymuch. They're there for parts of mid game and late game. Magic is out there, and I have to decide how well it's going to mix with tech. Not sure which way I'm going to go with that one yet.
Campaign scenario would be, roughly, as follows:
Start players at level 3 (cause level one for modern, in my most humble of opinions, blows).
Low Level (about 3-9): Weird Tidings. Over arching story elements will include the new race on the block (the Githyanki). Recruitment of locals to aid them/ally with them. Reports of odd happenings world wide, thefts of old art, and raids on archaeological dig sites. More weird in general. Spikes in violence and border scuffles are becoming more intense, fueled by terrorists and political dissidents. This part of campaign ends in the realization, that the world is at war with a Power from Beyond the Shadows.
Mid Level (10-14 or so): The Shadow War. The Githyanki have begun a serious campaign of aggression world wide. Several smaller nations have more or less folded in the Middle East and South America, now occupied by the Githyanki and their allies/minions. A marked increase in terrorist activities world wide, and border scuffles are now employee mecha on a regular basis. All of this can be, and will eventually, be traced back to Githyanki agents. Elite troops of the Githyanki encountered, as well as Githyanki mecha. More and more normal people are seeing Shadow all the time. This part ends with Githyanki air ships arriving over several major cities, and the real war begining and all the worlds sages and prophets having one last vision, and either going comatose, dying, or going mad.
High Level (15+) Ascent of the Lich Queen. Open war is on. From their strong holds all over the world, the Githyanki send forth their armies. Dragons fly the skies. Githyanki spell-mecha and bio-magic augmented warriors do battle against the nest the armies of the world have to offer. The world governments are having a hard time pulling it all together after the careful work of Vlaakith's minions in dissolving the shaky trust they might have once had in each other. More weird stuff is happening, and those seer's not struck dead by their vision, babble things madly in their sleep, or weep quietly in the corners of their padded cells, the horror of a new Dark God on the rise burning in their minds, and they can see nothing else beyond that potentially apocalyptic point. Secret peace accords try desperately to bring unite into one solid defense, even as the general public has to deal with the realization that humans have not been alone on earth for some time. A major assault on one of the Fortress States of the Incursion results in something like a Mournland (from Eberron) forming. Eventually, the elite agents of the Lich Queen must be stopped, before they bring their Queen what she needs to ascend to divinity.
Thoughts? Suggestions? Ideas? Any avenues of abuse I should look out for. I have some time to plan, so I want to start ASAP.
Here's the basic rule ideas for it. I'm going to include Urban Arcana. I'm not going to make it a double whammy of weird new race and magic. I'm also going to move the PL a little bit forward on a few types of tech. Mecha and Cybernetics will be at PL 6, but not readily available. Those are the armed force's newest toys, thankyouverymuch. They're there for parts of mid game and late game. Magic is out there, and I have to decide how well it's going to mix with tech. Not sure which way I'm going to go with that one yet.
Campaign scenario would be, roughly, as follows:
Start players at level 3 (cause level one for modern, in my most humble of opinions, blows).
Low Level (about 3-9): Weird Tidings. Over arching story elements will include the new race on the block (the Githyanki). Recruitment of locals to aid them/ally with them. Reports of odd happenings world wide, thefts of old art, and raids on archaeological dig sites. More weird in general. Spikes in violence and border scuffles are becoming more intense, fueled by terrorists and political dissidents. This part of campaign ends in the realization, that the world is at war with a Power from Beyond the Shadows.
Mid Level (10-14 or so): The Shadow War. The Githyanki have begun a serious campaign of aggression world wide. Several smaller nations have more or less folded in the Middle East and South America, now occupied by the Githyanki and their allies/minions. A marked increase in terrorist activities world wide, and border scuffles are now employee mecha on a regular basis. All of this can be, and will eventually, be traced back to Githyanki agents. Elite troops of the Githyanki encountered, as well as Githyanki mecha. More and more normal people are seeing Shadow all the time. This part ends with Githyanki air ships arriving over several major cities, and the real war begining and all the worlds sages and prophets having one last vision, and either going comatose, dying, or going mad.
High Level (15+) Ascent of the Lich Queen. Open war is on. From their strong holds all over the world, the Githyanki send forth their armies. Dragons fly the skies. Githyanki spell-mecha and bio-magic augmented warriors do battle against the nest the armies of the world have to offer. The world governments are having a hard time pulling it all together after the careful work of Vlaakith's minions in dissolving the shaky trust they might have once had in each other. More weird stuff is happening, and those seer's not struck dead by their vision, babble things madly in their sleep, or weep quietly in the corners of their padded cells, the horror of a new Dark God on the rise burning in their minds, and they can see nothing else beyond that potentially apocalyptic point. Secret peace accords try desperately to bring unite into one solid defense, even as the general public has to deal with the realization that humans have not been alone on earth for some time. A major assault on one of the Fortress States of the Incursion results in something like a Mournland (from Eberron) forming. Eventually, the elite agents of the Lich Queen must be stopped, before they bring their Queen what she needs to ascend to divinity.
Thoughts? Suggestions? Ideas? Any avenues of abuse I should look out for. I have some time to plan, so I want to start ASAP.
Less work
Well, they canceled the OT earlier this week. We're caught up enough on the project to not worry need the OT. So, I didn't stay late Yesterday, nor am I coming in over the weekend. I'm kinda relieved. OK, not kinda, more very. Ugg, I need a day off.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Touched by the FSM
My car has now officially been touched by the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Pictures will follow...
Monday, April 14, 2008
My weekday job has offered us as much OT as we'd care to take until this subproject is done. I clocked some extra hours Friday, yesterday morning after work, and I'm planning to do the same this morning. I'm going to try and pull off 12 hour days on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Also, a few extra hours on Wednesday and Friday as well. Probably more next weekend too. This is of course in addtion to the part time job. So, next week, when all is said and done, I'm looking at clocking no less then 70 hours, probably like 74 if I can pull it off. And the same thing next week maybe. And, ah, the week after if I can. I've already asked for May 3rd and 4th off already, and I won't be clocking any OT that weekend either. I don't know how long we're gonna have this availible, so I'm going to make the best of it. I'm just going to be fucking burned out. I've got bills to pay though.
"And miles to go before I sleep. And miles to go before I sleep."
"And miles to go before I sleep. And miles to go before I sleep."
Friday, April 11, 2008
From today's Penny Arcade
This is from todays Penny Arcade. The rant to go with the comic. I've found it to be highly amusing!
I can remember when it started
, truly started. Chits were no longer sufficient to really encompass the hitpoints of his most powerful Pokémon cards, so he began using a d10 for the first digit.
After that, it was only a matter of time.
Perhaps the dice themselves evoke something, that their shape refracts the structures of life into their numerical girders. At two o'clock in the morning, he began to argue (with much heat and light) about the possible interpretations of a particular card
and its grave implications. I saw the rules lawyer
well up in him, a hunger for the bright, certain shapes of clean systems and the dark shadows they cast.
Eventually, even these wide realms will no longer contain him. He'll want to do something those iconic mechanisms could never describe. When that happens, I will unfold my DM's screen, clasp my cloak, and tell him that he can feel the wind from the northeast.
The parallels between this particular CCG and traditional roleplaying games are pretty strong, leveraging (as so many have) workhorse, fundamentally gygaxian systems and terminology. If you haven't spent time with the more sophisticated card games - perhaps because you fear their terrible, ineluctable gravity - it may be that they look like an extremely expensive version of Slapjack. The distinctions melt away pretty quickly when you start looking at a constructed deck, which has all the careful feat and skill choices you'd see in any other pen and paper context. Even dice rolls are modelled by the card ratios and deck sizes. If you're playing a raid deck, there's even loot for fuck's sake. That's why I said (after playing it the first time) that there is a game here
for people who typically gather around the table for another purpose.
Wizards was afraid (and rightly so) to meld their primary expertise with their newly acquired Dungeons and Dragons, as so many feared they would. In doing so, I think they may have ceded a generation. Paizo's GameMastery
products seem to argue for a measured, hybrid approach. There's a profound opportunity here, I simply wonder who will grasp it first.
The contest
entries are piled so deep that it's going to take the better part of the weekend to sort them - our thanks to everyone who offered one up. Hopefully we'll be prepared for an unprecedented triple coronation on Monday.
After that, it was only a matter of time.
Perhaps the dice themselves evoke something, that their shape refracts the structures of life into their numerical girders. At two o'clock in the morning, he began to argue (with much heat and light) about the possible interpretations of a particular card
Eventually, even these wide realms will no longer contain him. He'll want to do something those iconic mechanisms could never describe. When that happens, I will unfold my DM's screen, clasp my cloak, and tell him that he can feel the wind from the northeast.
The parallels between this particular CCG and traditional roleplaying games are pretty strong, leveraging (as so many have) workhorse, fundamentally gygaxian systems and terminology. If you haven't spent time with the more sophisticated card games - perhaps because you fear their terrible, ineluctable gravity - it may be that they look like an extremely expensive version of Slapjack. The distinctions melt away pretty quickly when you start looking at a constructed deck, which has all the careful feat and skill choices you'd see in any other pen and paper context. Even dice rolls are modelled by the card ratios and deck sizes. If you're playing a raid deck, there's even loot for fuck's sake. That's why I said (after playing it the first time) that there is a game here
Wizards was afraid (and rightly so) to meld their primary expertise with their newly acquired Dungeons and Dragons, as so many feared they would. In doing so, I think they may have ceded a generation. Paizo's GameMastery
The contest
(CW)TB out.
Monday, April 7, 2008
This was in my daily quotes on my Google homepage, and I thought I'd share it. I love this line.
I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.
- Thomas Jefferson
I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.
- Thomas Jefferson
Weekend Last...
Strangly, I felt I had a pretty good weekend. Nothing really stood out. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary. I hung out with folk on Saturday. Which was nice. I also got my invite for my 10 year reunion. Which I'm basically looking forward to. Should be fun to catch up/maybe piss off some of the former class mates. Muwhahaha. Ran out to Ceder Cliff Colectables (look game shop) on Sunday and bought some singles for the new SW mini set. Basically got the commons and uncommons I really wanted for the set. Work was quite both nights too. I've also put in my time off requests through about July (first weekend of May for sanity, first weekend of June for reunion, July 4th weekend for CON).
And, yeah. 10 year class reunion. Crazy...
And, yeah. 10 year class reunion. Crazy...
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Most interesting one so far this week
Okay, this was just a few minutes ago. Blog op from work.
Smoker on phone: "Why do I want to smoke even though I know it's going to kill me?"
Me: "I'm sorry sir, I really can't answear that one. You're going to need to speak to your doctor on that one."
SoP: "I have lukimia, and if I smoke, I'm going to die. So why do I want to smoke?"
Me: "Sir, I'm very sorry, I don't have any way to answear you."
SoP: "Ok, thanks, I'll try my doctor."
Smoker on phone: "Why do I want to smoke even though I know it's going to kill me?"
Me: "I'm sorry sir, I really can't answear that one. You're going to need to speak to your doctor on that one."
SoP: "I have lukimia, and if I smoke, I'm going to die. So why do I want to smoke?"
Me: "Sir, I'm very sorry, I don't have any way to answear you."
SoP: "Ok, thanks, I'll try my doctor."
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Small Favor
Squee!!!! The next Dresden book comes out today! I am less then two hours from being able to read it! I'm so very pumped for this!
Random Hate...
So, I was surfing through CNN, reading some random articles, when I stumbled across one that mentions the parent groups who blame their childrens autism on vacines. Sure, it spins off into a rport about the complex genetic triggers for autism (No shit? Really? A complex brain chemistry disorder has a complex set of genetic trigger? Who'd have thunk it...). What this does do, however, is bring forth from within the very pit of my gut such white-hot, all consuming RAGE, that I'm not quite sure what to do with it. Oh yeah, BLOG! So, here I am. And I am about to unleash the hate, just for me and you, dear readers.
What sort of fucking moron could possibly allow themselves to believe, and put forth, that vacines are bad. I'll tell you the sort, the sort that shouldn't be allowed to have children is the sort. How short sighted and utterly imbicilic do you have to be to decide that making sure your child is protected against those things that have been a PLAGUE on humanity for nearly all of our histroy? Huh, how? How much? What is the percentage of completly unused brain mass is that?? Why, oh why, in the name of ANYTHING YOU CHOOSE would you not want to protect your child from small pox? Oh, because no one has it anymore, so it must be gone? Well, that's just adorable, let me just give you some insight into how wrong you are, professor nail bat will be helping. Super!! I just want to scream some days. Then, go forth amoung the masses, and begin the, long overdue, great cleansing.
Everyone, trust me, it'll be worth it when I'm done! Really!!!
*gasp* *pant*
Okay, I'm done now. /rant.
Since I mirror this/it's a mirror of my LJ, I get replies from other fronts as well. My friend Sableandthorny posted the following reply on there. Since it's very apt, and pokes many a whole in my bit of spewed hate, I've decided to mirror it here. *sigh* Next thing ya know, I'm gonna have to start doing research and educating myself before I spew hate. Damn it!!
Here it is, from the mouth of Sableandthrony, to the rest of us...
Hate to take the wind out of your sails, but I think you're missing out on some important information and you're oversimplifying a more complicated issue.
First off, you're hitting on two very very different groups. One group is the parents who do not want their child vaccinated because of the risks associated with the vaccine. The second group is the group that doesn't feel it's necessary because they don't believe their child will be exposed. I think it's important to differentiate, because those are two totally different mind sets.
Secondly, you can't even get your child vaccinated against smallpox. I doubt you and I are even vaccinated against it. After the disease was certified as eradicated by the WHO in 1979, there was a "post eradication vaccine" available. However, there was such a high incidence of severe side effects, that it is not considered safe. In 2007, a new vaccine was approved by the FDA for use by those at high risk of exposure. The side effects are so severe and so frequent, it is only available to the DOD in the Strategic National Stockpile.
Here are the vaccines offered to infants and generally required by day cares and schools:
Diptheria, Tetanus, Acellular Pertussis (whooping cough),Influenza, Rotavirus, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae b (childhood meningitis), Human papillovirus (offered to girls at age 13 or so to prevent cervical cancer), Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Meningitis, Pneumonia, Varicella (Chicken Pox), Polio
I think the only one that really fits your criteria of plague is polio. There is no vaccine against HIV, Ebola, Bubonic Plague, etc.
Even with vaccination, it is expected that kids will get Rotavirus. The vaccine simply helps it be less severe. Influenza is similar, it's a mixed bag vaccine made differently each year. It might help, it might not.
Why wouldn't somebody want to have something done to their child that society and/or government supports and promotes? Possibly because they've read about DDT or asbestos. The US ban against asbestos was not made until 1989. Serious concerns regarding the health risks related to exposure to asbestos surfaced in 1898. That's ninety years. We're quick to use something and slow to come up with a solution when it doesn't work. And how about this one, RSV is a virus that all kids get at some point. They haven't been able to come up with a vaccine. However, there is a "preventative" (they don't call it a vaccine) given to babies that are high risk. Treatment is a shot once monthly for five months. The cost is about $25,000. It's considered "moderately" effective. How frustrating to put your child through the shots, spend a huge chunk of change, and not even get the benefit? The routine vaccinations are different, but still!
Why should anyone, without question, accept something being done to their child? I personally think that anyone who walks in and accepts the vaccinations without knowing what they're really for and what the risks are is much worse than the person who chooses not to because of the risks involved. We asked our doctor about the vaccines and whether or not they contained thiomersal as a preservative. They don't, because of the FDA order to remove it from vaccine. So David got his vaccines. Does everyone know exactly what to ask about related to that concern? No. Does it make them bad parents? No. I understand what you mean, and I whole heartedly support vaccinations, but I think you've got to look a little deeper into the issues before loosening your well intentioned rage.
What sort of fucking moron could possibly allow themselves to believe, and put forth, that vacines are bad. I'll tell you the sort, the sort that shouldn't be allowed to have children is the sort. How short sighted and utterly imbicilic do you have to be to decide that making sure your child is protected against those things that have been a PLAGUE on humanity for nearly all of our histroy? Huh, how? How much? What is the percentage of completly unused brain mass is that?? Why, oh why, in the name of ANYTHING YOU CHOOSE would you not want to protect your child from small pox? Oh, because no one has it anymore, so it must be gone? Well, that's just adorable, let me just give you some insight into how wrong you are, professor nail bat will be helping. Super!! I just want to scream some days. Then, go forth amoung the masses, and begin the, long overdue, great cleansing.
Everyone, trust me, it'll be worth it when I'm done! Really!!!
*gasp* *pant*
Okay, I'm done now. /rant.
Since I mirror this/it's a mirror of my LJ, I get replies from other fronts as well. My friend Sableandthorny posted the following reply on there. Since it's very apt, and pokes many a whole in my bit of spewed hate, I've decided to mirror it here. *sigh* Next thing ya know, I'm gonna have to start doing research and educating myself before I spew hate. Damn it!!
Here it is, from the mouth of Sableandthrony, to the rest of us...
Hate to take the wind out of your sails, but I think you're missing out on some important information and you're oversimplifying a more complicated issue.
First off, you're hitting on two very very different groups. One group is the parents who do not want their child vaccinated because of the risks associated with the vaccine. The second group is the group that doesn't feel it's necessary because they don't believe their child will be exposed. I think it's important to differentiate, because those are two totally different mind sets.
Secondly, you can't even get your child vaccinated against smallpox. I doubt you and I are even vaccinated against it. After the disease was certified as eradicated by the WHO in 1979, there was a "post eradication vaccine" available. However, there was such a high incidence of severe side effects, that it is not considered safe. In 2007, a new vaccine was approved by the FDA for use by those at high risk of exposure. The side effects are so severe and so frequent, it is only available to the DOD in the Strategic National Stockpile.
Here are the vaccines offered to infants and generally required by day cares and schools:
Diptheria, Tetanus, Acellular Pertussis (whooping cough),Influenza, Rotavirus, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae b (childhood meningitis), Human papillovirus (offered to girls at age 13 or so to prevent cervical cancer), Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Meningitis, Pneumonia, Varicella (Chicken Pox), Polio
I think the only one that really fits your criteria of plague is polio. There is no vaccine against HIV, Ebola, Bubonic Plague, etc.
Even with vaccination, it is expected that kids will get Rotavirus. The vaccine simply helps it be less severe. Influenza is similar, it's a mixed bag vaccine made differently each year. It might help, it might not.
Why wouldn't somebody want to have something done to their child that society and/or government supports and promotes? Possibly because they've read about DDT or asbestos. The US ban against asbestos was not made until 1989. Serious concerns regarding the health risks related to exposure to asbestos surfaced in 1898. That's ninety years. We're quick to use something and slow to come up with a solution when it doesn't work. And how about this one, RSV is a virus that all kids get at some point. They haven't been able to come up with a vaccine. However, there is a "preventative" (they don't call it a vaccine) given to babies that are high risk. Treatment is a shot once monthly for five months. The cost is about $25,000. It's considered "moderately" effective. How frustrating to put your child through the shots, spend a huge chunk of change, and not even get the benefit? The routine vaccinations are different, but still!
Why should anyone, without question, accept something being done to their child? I personally think that anyone who walks in and accepts the vaccinations without knowing what they're really for and what the risks are is much worse than the person who chooses not to because of the risks involved. We asked our doctor about the vaccines and whether or not they contained thiomersal as a preservative. They don't, because of the FDA order to remove it from vaccine. So David got his vaccines. Does everyone know exactly what to ask about related to that concern? No. Does it make them bad parents? No. I understand what you mean, and I whole heartedly support vaccinations, but I think you've got to look a little deeper into the issues before loosening your well intentioned rage.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
So, most of my Saturday, the not asleep part that is, was spent bowling. In the end, I got threw three games. Scored 96, 98, and 98 (and was throwing them at about 18mph). Since my average was around 100 when I was playing a lot in high school, I'm not upset about that. It was a friends 30th b-day, which was the excuse for going out. Now, I'm back at work. Whee.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The Car is Dead, Long Live the Car!
Well, all that's left to do with JtHO's today is clear out the trunk and glove box. I'll siphon out the fuel in the tank and have the old boy hauled away. Or rent a backhoe, dig a deep enough hole to put a 4 door in, and bury him upsidedown at a crossroads. Havn't figured which way I'm going to go on that one yet...
I did pick up some new wheels yesterday...
2003 Saturn L200 with the 4 cylinder engine and the 4 speed transmission. About that color too actually. I droped the extra money on the 36 month/36,000 mile waranty, gap insurance (I love gap insurance btw, such wonderfully nitch insurance to buy that you will be thanking your god/gods/goddess/nothing but a figmant of everyone else's imagination/etc for if you need it), and the service package (which covers basic maintance and is a discount on parts. Since my cars seem to like thier maintance more then some, I figured "why not?"). Also, there's 6 months of free roadside (12 if I decided to pay the 9.95 to get that one extended) that also covers rental vehilces. A .05/gallon discount card for Holiday's on gas good for like 2 years.
The new wheels (which I have yet to figure out the name of, but I'm sure it'll tell me within 6 months or so. We need to form a real relationship first...) which has 4 new tires. It also has some decent fuel economy (espcially compared to JtHO), 4 working doors (glee!), working heater (double glee!), working AC (more glee!), and is generally rust free (still glee, but not as much as for the 4 working doors...). It even has remote entry, which is fobulous!
While a few months earlier then I had planned, I'm pretty darn happy with what I got. A little bit on the high end of what I wanted to pay, but that's because of my choice to go with the better warranty. Which, I think is worth it for peice of mind if nothing else.
So, yeah, that's the new wheels. Wish us luck...
I did pick up some new wheels yesterday...
The new wheels (which I have yet to figure out the name of, but I'm sure it'll tell me within 6 months or so. We need to form a real relationship first...) which has 4 new tires. It also has some decent fuel economy (espcially compared to JtHO), 4 working doors (glee!), working heater (double glee!), working AC (more glee!), and is generally rust free (still glee, but not as much as for the 4 working doors...). It even has remote entry, which is fobulous!
While a few months earlier then I had planned, I'm pretty darn happy with what I got. A little bit on the high end of what I wanted to pay, but that's because of my choice to go with the better warranty. Which, I think is worth it for peice of mind if nothing else.
So, yeah, that's the new wheels. Wish us luck...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I couldn't resist
Your results:
You are Dr. Simon Tam (Ship Medic)
Click here to take the Serenity Firefly Personality Test
You are Dr. Simon Tam (Ship Medic)
| Medicine and physical healing are your game, but wooing women isn't a strong suit. |
Click here to take the Serenity Firefly Personality Test
Rest in Pieces
In the Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ 2008, on March the 25, at 1255 Greenwich Mean Time, Johnny the Homicidal Oldsmobile gave forth its death rattle. After many years of noble and enduring service, he finally lost his battle against entropy and engine wear, developing a terminal low engine noise from the cylinders. Thus an erra ends. Rest well old friend, you've more then earned it.
Monday, March 24, 2008
How My Easter Went
So, I work on weekend. I work an overnight shift on the weekends in fact. So, when I got off work on Sunday at 8:30, instead of going home to fall into the sweet embrace of slumber, I went to my folks place. Even though we wouldn't be going to my cousin's place until noon, it wouldn't have done me much good to go home, just to not sleep and head over to the rents. Besides, I wanted to get my taxes done (getting money back thanks to the student loan payments, and that's about all). But anyway, we eventually strike out to my cousin's place, getting there without getting lost even! We had to take to vehicles, so this [i]was[/i] actually a concern.
Once there, I got to meet my new little second cousin. Fairly well behaved for being 4 months old. That's sure to change. Saw the new wordworking gear that was in residence. Good stuff. Hung out and shot the shit with my relatives. My sister commented that I had some weird friends, so I naturally began to talk about the absolute oddest. The trany, the guy that get's nakkid when his band is playing, the guy that cuts himself when his band is playing (like, carves his chest up with shards of broken bottle, etc. I so won that one. My sis and I were in fine form for sibling banter, neither of us gaining any sort of significant advantage for any length of time.
Dinner was good. The ham was cooked with Coke (a-cola, I had to ask too. It was good stuff!), and the pig was from one of my other cousins farm. So, it was fresh to say the least (I think butchered that weekend). The salad was ok, not as good as last year. The hash browns were pretty good. No deviled eggs though. Didn't like that, but I'll get over it. Maybe next year I'll actually have to just bring my own or something. The horror...
We left pretty early since one of my sibs needed to get on the road sooner then later to get back to school on time. So, I think I was home by about 5:30 or so. I watched the last of my weekend NetFlix, and I Am Legend (I borrowed that from a sibling). I Am Legend was okay. Big divergence from what I remember of the book. I need to reread the book though. I will say, that when he lost his dog, I almost cried a little. And, also, wow did Will Smith do a good job with that. He did a great job showing how his character was going insane from the lack of human contact. When Sam died, well, you knew that it was pretty much all over. Also, and I don't know if this is an Easter Egg or not, there was a movie poster for what looked like a Batman/Superman movie in the backdrops of New York at one point. Maybe a little hint at a World's Finest movie in the works? Huh?
Anyway, I collapsed to bed about 10:30. Slept like the dead until my alarm went off too. Today has been an off and on struggle to stay awake too. Just miserable. I hope I can keep it together enough to go to SW mini's tonight. It'd be nice. Might just go home and sleep though.
Once there, I got to meet my new little second cousin. Fairly well behaved for being 4 months old. That's sure to change. Saw the new wordworking gear that was in residence. Good stuff. Hung out and shot the shit with my relatives. My sister commented that I had some weird friends, so I naturally began to talk about the absolute oddest. The trany, the guy that get's nakkid when his band is playing, the guy that cuts himself when his band is playing (like, carves his chest up with shards of broken bottle, etc. I so won that one. My sis and I were in fine form for sibling banter, neither of us gaining any sort of significant advantage for any length of time.
Dinner was good. The ham was cooked with Coke (a-cola, I had to ask too. It was good stuff!), and the pig was from one of my other cousins farm. So, it was fresh to say the least (I think butchered that weekend). The salad was ok, not as good as last year. The hash browns were pretty good. No deviled eggs though. Didn't like that, but I'll get over it. Maybe next year I'll actually have to just bring my own or something. The horror...
We left pretty early since one of my sibs needed to get on the road sooner then later to get back to school on time. So, I think I was home by about 5:30 or so. I watched the last of my weekend NetFlix, and I Am Legend (I borrowed that from a sibling). I Am Legend was okay. Big divergence from what I remember of the book. I need to reread the book though. I will say, that when he lost his dog, I almost cried a little. And, also, wow did Will Smith do a good job with that. He did a great job showing how his character was going insane from the lack of human contact. When Sam died, well, you knew that it was pretty much all over. Also, and I don't know if this is an Easter Egg or not, there was a movie poster for what looked like a Batman/Superman movie in the backdrops of New York at one point. Maybe a little hint at a World's Finest movie in the works? Huh?
Anyway, I collapsed to bed about 10:30. Slept like the dead until my alarm went off too. Today has been an off and on struggle to stay awake too. Just miserable. I hope I can keep it together enough to go to SW mini's tonight. It'd be nice. Might just go home and sleep though.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter
Happy Easter all! Here's hoping that Jesus doesn't see his shadow, run back into his tomb, and we all have another 40 days of lent!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight - The Movie
So I got Dragons of Autumn Twilight from NetFlix this week. While I was aware that it was some, well, low end animation, I knew I had to give it a try. Low end doesn't even begin to describe it. The cell animation would have probably been right at home in a low end 80's after school cartoon. The CGI was choppy at best, and that's what the dragons and draconians were done with. Clumsy even. It just wasn't that good looking.
The story itself had a bit too much that was glossed over. While I knew that the bit with the Gully Dwarves was going to be dropped, which is too bad but if you need to drop something, well. However, there are some other bits that they didn't touch on that hurts the story overall. Like, the Green Gemstone man. Yeah, not hide nor hair of him. No hint from the Forestmaster in Darkenwoods that Strum was marked for a noble and heroic death. Then there was the stuff that didn't make it that I'd have liked to see. Like a little more with Pax Tharkas would have been really nice. Not needed, just nice. A bit more with the crazy old red dragon there, and her relationship with the children and mothers would have been cool too. You also didn't see Tanis get his sword (which, while cool, you can cut without much impact, sure). They skipped the conversation where Riverwind asks Tanis why he doesn't go by "Half-Man" and not "Half-Elf" (which I've always felt helped them become friends).
Then there was the stuff they didn't bother to hint at. Like, Kitiara being a Dragon High Lord. Revealed at the end. Fizbin being Paladine? Revealed at the end. And sure, that isn't too hard to guess after a bit, but still, the fun is guessing it as time goes on!
I will say that the voice work was pretty decent. They had a good cast put together after all. However, everytime Tas asked Ras about his magic, it came out as either a cruel or snide comment. Maybe I've just always read that wrong, but I always thought that was just Tas being curious, not mean. Poorly executed.
I was hoping it would be at least decent enough to think about picking up, but I'm thinking not. Too bad, I've been waiting for this sort of project for years, but this is a big fail.
The story itself had a bit too much that was glossed over. While I knew that the bit with the Gully Dwarves was going to be dropped, which is too bad but if you need to drop something, well. However, there are some other bits that they didn't touch on that hurts the story overall. Like, the Green Gemstone man. Yeah, not hide nor hair of him. No hint from the Forestmaster in Darkenwoods that Strum was marked for a noble and heroic death. Then there was the stuff that didn't make it that I'd have liked to see. Like a little more with Pax Tharkas would have been really nice. Not needed, just nice. A bit more with the crazy old red dragon there, and her relationship with the children and mothers would have been cool too. You also didn't see Tanis get his sword (which, while cool, you can cut without much impact, sure). They skipped the conversation where Riverwind asks Tanis why he doesn't go by "Half-Man" and not "Half-Elf" (which I've always felt helped them become friends).
Then there was the stuff they didn't bother to hint at. Like, Kitiara being a Dragon High Lord. Revealed at the end. Fizbin being Paladine? Revealed at the end. And sure, that isn't too hard to guess after a bit, but still, the fun is guessing it as time goes on!
I will say that the voice work was pretty decent. They had a good cast put together after all. However, everytime Tas asked Ras about his magic, it came out as either a cruel or snide comment. Maybe I've just always read that wrong, but I always thought that was just Tas being curious, not mean. Poorly executed.
I was hoping it would be at least decent enough to think about picking up, but I'm thinking not. Too bad, I've been waiting for this sort of project for years, but this is a big fail.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I've realized that this job is going to be an endless source of fucked up calls, and hence, BLOG entries.
So, I just spoke with a gal, about 59 years old, for the quite smoking thing. Apparently, her doctor told her to take up smoking back when her 4th husband was smacking her around. Since, you know he wouldn't help her with her stress any other way. Oh, and the last time she was on the patch, her roommate killed themselves. It involved slashing open major arteries. Bloody mess type situation. So she just lit one up while on the patch. Fun!!
The other fun one, was the guy who started smoking while he was a teacher at a psych ward for juveniles. At this time (about 80-81), the state of Ohio was providing smokes to the kids there (ages 13-14 or so). The shrinks said it would help to keep the kids calm. What a change 20 or so years makes...
So, I just spoke with a gal, about 59 years old, for the quite smoking thing. Apparently, her doctor told her to take up smoking back when her 4th husband was smacking her around. Since, you know he wouldn't help her with her stress any other way. Oh, and the last time she was on the patch, her roommate killed themselves. It involved slashing open major arteries. Bloody mess type situation. So she just lit one up while on the patch. Fun!!
The other fun one, was the guy who started smoking while he was a teacher at a psych ward for juveniles. At this time (about 80-81), the state of Ohio was providing smokes to the kids there (ages 13-14 or so). The shrinks said it would help to keep the kids calm. What a change 20 or so years makes...
Monday, March 17, 2008
Epic Raid
As planned, I was able to make the protest against the Co$ this last weekend. An excellent time was had. We made it to the preraid gathering at a local Starbucks, and then hiked the several city blocks to where things were going down. I spent the first few hours on the near-by corner, holding a sign (provided by another Anon), and handing out fliers. Okay, that part wasn't too exciting, I'll admit. It was fun though, had a few people actually stop and talk. Most were fairly supportive. Had a few passing cars flash the bird. We cheered them on of course. We also cheered for those who honked at us and gave the big thumbs up and such. Lot's of cheering.
Eventually, The Hippie and I wondered over to Chipotle, since it was right there, for some lunch. After this, I was given over custody of the blow up doll that we had brought along. She was holding a sign and everything. And by gain custody, she was riding my shoulders for the rest of the Raid. We chanted some, we yelled some, we handed out more fliers and waved signs. I learned that my booming voice can make or break the average chant. If I join in for one cycle and stop, it's over. If I keep going, it keeps going (well, to an extent).
One of the big chants I got going, and kept going off and on all day was:
I'm proud of that one. It just kinda grew out of some other chants me and another Anon strung together. Of course, my voice is still suffering for it today, but it should be good again by tomorrow. I hope. We were lead through a few chants. Anon's were there filming and taking pictures. The Co$ had a camera on the group the whole time. They also had this humorless guy standing in the forum. He wouldn't even wave back. Very rude. Imagine, not returning the friendly waves of the 140 or so masked people across the street from your building, chanting protests against your "beliefs." Like I said, a dick with no sense of humor.
I had an excellent time all in all, and I'm looking forward to the next. Not sure when it's going to be next month, and there's rumors that it might be at the State Capital next time. Works for me.
That's it though, the quick and dirty of my part in Operation Party Hard.
Eventually, The Hippie and I wondered over to Chipotle, since it was right there, for some lunch. After this, I was given over custody of the blow up doll that we had brought along. She was holding a sign and everything. And by gain custody, she was riding my shoulders for the rest of the Raid. We chanted some, we yelled some, we handed out more fliers and waved signs. I learned that my booming voice can make or break the average chant. If I join in for one cycle and stop, it's over. If I keep going, it keeps going (well, to an extent).
One of the big chants I got going, and kept going off and on all day was:
"Scientology Destroys Lives!
Scientology Destroys Families!
Protect Yourself!
Educate Yourself!!
Learn the Truth!"
Scientology Destroys Families!
Protect Yourself!
Educate Yourself!!
Learn the Truth!"
I'm proud of that one. It just kinda grew out of some other chants me and another Anon strung together. Of course, my voice is still suffering for it today, but it should be good again by tomorrow. I hope. We were lead through a few chants. Anon's were there filming and taking pictures. The Co$ had a camera on the group the whole time. They also had this humorless guy standing in the forum. He wouldn't even wave back. Very rude. Imagine, not returning the friendly waves of the 140 or so masked people across the street from your building, chanting protests against your "beliefs." Like I said, a dick with no sense of humor.
I had an excellent time all in all, and I'm looking forward to the next. Not sure when it's going to be next month, and there's rumors that it might be at the State Capital next time. Works for me.
That's it though, the quick and dirty of my part in Operation Party Hard.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Teh Funny
So, my current gig is answering the phone for the Ohio's quite line (their stop-smoking program). Anyway, part of the enrollment process involves asking what their sexual orientation is (A. Hetro, B. Gay/Les, C. Bisexual, D. Other). Let me tell you, it's our most popular questions. Now, most of the time, people just pause for a moment, confused, then answer. Sometime people bitch a bit, and I just skip it (a built in option). Sometimes, I get a funny one. Like today, I had an older lady who was a little bit miffed about some of the demographic info being asked. Wasn't getting upset, just didn't want to give some of it out. No problem. Then I get to everyones favorite question. Her response was, and I'm not joking:
"Honey, I'm 77, I don't remember that."
I wish I could have put that one in the call record, but, alas, I can't. Still, I had to share.
"Honey, I'm 77, I don't remember that."
I wish I could have put that one in the call record, but, alas, I can't. Still, I had to share.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
So. Very. Cool!!!
Okay, this is one of the cooler articles on nanotech I've seen in awhile. Very, very fucking cool stuff!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Beware the Ides of March
At least this time I know why...
Holy shit am I tired. I'm just fading here. Why? Well, despite getting plenty of sleep last night, the night before, I didn't get any.
My friend Katie is making a short anti-drug film, I think for a local school, and I've been a background figure in a few scenes. So, once again, I was asked to show up and stand around. I said sure. Filming was at 9am Sunday morning. So, after getting off of work at 8:30, I wondered on over. She got done and sent us all home about 10:30 or so (we got everything dome pretty quick). I then went out and had some breakfast with another friends who'd volunteer to help, got some grocery shopping in, and when I saw it 12:30 when I got back in, said, fuck it, and just went with it. So, I watched Scrubs, built a Scion character up to god level, and then played some Exalted. Then collapsed into a nice deep sleep. However, it's obvious that I'm still working on a bit of a sleep deficit. Hopefully, I'll be back up to snuff tomorrow.
My friend Katie is making a short anti-drug film, I think for a local school, and I've been a background figure in a few scenes. So, once again, I was asked to show up and stand around. I said sure. Filming was at 9am Sunday morning. So, after getting off of work at 8:30, I wondered on over. She got done and sent us all home about 10:30 or so (we got everything dome pretty quick). I then went out and had some breakfast with another friends who'd volunteer to help, got some grocery shopping in, and when I saw it 12:30 when I got back in, said, fuck it, and just went with it. So, I watched Scrubs, built a Scion character up to god level, and then played some Exalted. Then collapsed into a nice deep sleep. However, it's obvious that I'm still working on a bit of a sleep deficit. Hopefully, I'll be back up to snuff tomorrow.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Sleepy, but why...?
Ok, I banked in like 9 hours of sleep last night. Good, solid, deep sleep. The sleep of the just, you know, that sleep I get damn near any night (why, I don't know, I don't question my luck). So why am I tired at work? This is fraking annoying. Especially since I'm not going to be getting to sleep till about 9 Saturday morning. Sunday'll be worse, since I've agreed to be in the back ground of my friends movie, and she's shooting from 9-1 or so on Sunday. But still, why am I tired??? I'm soo happy I've got next weekend off.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
A thought on THAC0...
"And low, the fighter did roll his attack, and ask the DM: 'So, does my 16 hit?' And thus did the DM answear: 'No, you needed a 17.' So, in confusion, did the player respond: 'No way, are you sure?' For this, did the DM consult his many charts and tables to determine the interplay between the Fighters THAC0 and the fell beasts AC. After a time, the DM looked upon his player and said unto him, 'My bad, you only needed a 3.' And thus was THAC0 thrown the hell out for 3rd edition, for it had beget a to-hit system that was not ass-backwards, and it was good. So Say We All."
A small tribute...
So, last night my gaming buddies and I poured some Mountain Dew out on the snowy ground, and each mummbled a few words for the OG. The Orginal Gamer. A lot has been said, mostly nice, about Gary Gygax since his passing earlier this week. I was hoping to have a chance to dig up my 1st ed DMG, read a few passages, but no such luck. I have no idea where it's tucked away at the moment. Oh well. In my heart, I was reading random encounter tables...
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Gary Gygax, July 27, 1938 – March 4, 2008
News from Blog and message board land has it that Gygax has gone on to the big convention in the sky. Here's to one of the two people who made D&D.
Small Favor
So I just read the 4 preview chapters for Small Favor, the next book in the Dresden Files. Squee!! Now I just have to wait 28 day for the rest of the book. And finally, Charity and Harry are more or less getting along. About time. I mean, how many times does he need to save her husband and children before she get's over the whole: I don't think I trust you, as you're a Wizard. (Sure, it's far more complicated then that, but for a long time that's what it looked like it was). Regardless, I'm all a quiver with anticipation for this one.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Well, I'm not really one that typically gives a damn about what the British royals are doing, an article on CNN did catch my eye. I guess Prince Harry is currently in the field in Afghanistan, has seen combat, and is right where he wants to be. His deployment was kept secret by the British media for security reason, and it was only admited to after foreign papers printed it, so as not to put the rest of his squad in danger as much as himself. I must say: kudos to that all around.
I read an interview with Prince Harry last year, talking about how he wanted to be deployed to Iraq. Why? Becuase it was where he belonged, with the men he served with. This is not going to be someone who's ignorant of what battle field condtions are going to be like either (at least that was my impression from what else he had said). For him to pony up like that, when no one would have really blamed him for hiding behind his title, and for going in with a combat unit? Hell yes.
Maybe if more of the "privaleged elite" should show that kind of integrity, we'd all be in better shape. Sure, I don't know the whole of his opinions, or politicale stance, and so on, but I'm going to be genuinly impressed by his willingness to put it on the line and serve his nation along side the other grunts.
I read an interview with Prince Harry last year, talking about how he wanted to be deployed to Iraq. Why? Becuase it was where he belonged, with the men he served with. This is not going to be someone who's ignorant of what battle field condtions are going to be like either (at least that was my impression from what else he had said). For him to pony up like that, when no one would have really blamed him for hiding behind his title, and for going in with a combat unit? Hell yes.
Maybe if more of the "privaleged elite" should show that kind of integrity, we'd all be in better shape. Sure, I don't know the whole of his opinions, or politicale stance, and so on, but I'm going to be genuinly impressed by his willingness to put it on the line and serve his nation along side the other grunts.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
One last thing for the day (damn am I chatty today...)
Last night was also the last time I'm going to see my friend Purple for sometime. Hopefully not ever. This week, he moves to Hawaii. I have a hard time going to see friends who live in a state over on a regular basis. I'm still trying to figure out a way to get to DC, Texas, Boston, and Portland to visit the more scattered friends. Hawaii? Shit...
The end of the Age of Worms
So, yeah. No big epic fight. No chance to almost fail, but snatching victory from the edge of defeat. The Age of Worms campaign ended with Kyuss, the Worm God, being killed before his first action when he took 20,591 (yes, twenty thousand, five hundred and ninety one) damage in the first round of combat.
That was the shittiest fight I've ever been in. It just wasn't any fun for me. It didn't make a good end to a story. It just sucked. I'm really thinking about saying "to hell" with running anything.
That was the shittiest fight I've ever been in. It just wasn't any fun for me. It didn't make a good end to a story. It just sucked. I'm really thinking about saying "to hell" with running anything.
I can except this as the other shoe
As is normal for my attempts at dating, it looks like I make a better friend then anything more. I kinda figured this was the way things would be going since about Saturday, and I had an inkling for about the last week. Course, I had to be the one to ask. Least now the air is cleared and I know where I stand. So, yeah, if this is the other shoe dropping, that's a okay.
Now, to bug Kelly services about the info for that job tomorrow...
Now, to bug Kelly services about the info for that job tomorrow...
Friday, February 22, 2008
Got the job and it starts on Tuesday. Huzzah! My dad is up and walking again, so this gets to become an amusing anecdote in a few months. Huzzah again! I've had a nice relaxing week off, instead of fretting over employment. Huzzah once more! I should be getting 4 disks worth of Eureka 7 in the mail tomorrow, which will keep me more then amused enough for a weekend of work. Huzzah still!
It's been a good week. I wonder when the other shoe is going to drop? *chuckle*
It's been a good week. I wonder when the other shoe is going to drop? *chuckle*
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
It's Tuesday Already?
So, it's already been an odd week in some ways, decent in others. Yesterday (in the less odd category), I got a line on my next temp assignment from Kelly. It'd be simply phone work, which is good, but it'd be at a few dolors more an hour then either of the other two jobs I could have taken. And it's a temp to hire situation to boot. Woot. So, that looks like it has some potential. I also finally made contact with the guy in the other branch of Kelly that helps with job placement. While he doesn't think there's much he can do to help (there's a lot of people out there with fresh college degree's I guess), he's gonna take a look at my resume and see what he can do/tell me what he thinks of it. Hey, nothing to lose on that one.
As for the odd. Well, my dad accidentally shot himself in the leg yesterday. He's okay and all, but it's just fucking weird. He was putting his .45 in his shoulder holster since he was on his way to an armed security account he works, and it just went off. Safety was on, the hammer wasn't back, but the damn think went off. The bullet dug itself into his leg, and due to the angle, it's gonna stay there I guess. He's in, well, decent spirits all things considered. Hopefully he'll be home from the hospital tomorrow. From the sounds of things, he's gonna retire that pistol. I don't think I blame him either. Really, really weird.
Today was calm and normal. I'm just waiting for the company where I'll hopefully be temping to give me a call. I guess there's a phone interview involved.
As for the odd. Well, my dad accidentally shot himself in the leg yesterday. He's okay and all, but it's just fucking weird. He was putting his .45 in his shoulder holster since he was on his way to an armed security account he works, and it just went off. Safety was on, the hammer wasn't back, but the damn think went off. The bullet dug itself into his leg, and due to the angle, it's gonna stay there I guess. He's in, well, decent spirits all things considered. Hopefully he'll be home from the hospital tomorrow. From the sounds of things, he's gonna retire that pistol. I don't think I blame him either. Really, really weird.
Today was calm and normal. I'm just waiting for the company where I'll hopefully be temping to give me a call. I guess there's a phone interview involved.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
More Random Geek Labber
I'm really bored at work. I'm donw with the project at this point, so all that's left is to go over some of it, and double check on it. For an hour and a half today, and all day tomorrow. Zug-zug.
Anyway, this is more D&D speak, fell free to pass it by.
I've been contimplating in the last few days, that 3rd ed is only a few months away from closing up in favor of 4th Ed. Neither good nor bad really, it just is what it is. Hopefully the new mechanics won't be so... ahh, Magic the Gathering-like open to abuse by skilled mathmaticians? That'd be nice.
Anyway, I spend some much time running the game, I rarely get a chance to play these days. As such, there are a few characters that I'm just not going to get a chance to play.
Nixel Tyrons - Seeker of Knowledge
Now, I'll admit I'd need a DM fiat to play this guy the way I want, but that's only because I don't like the Illumian's as a race (they just don't do anything for me really), but I love one of their prestige classes (I'd need the fiat to play it as a human...). The idea is a Begulier (from PHBII) with the investigator feat (from Eberron), and eventually one of the Illumian prc's (in Races of Destiny, it gives bardic knowledge, and a few other goodies along with cater progression, and is all about finding lost knowledge!). Main weapons: hand crossbow and rapier, with more attention to the hand xbow. Eventually that little guy would have the quickloading enchantment, and a wand sheath. Plug in offensive spells and a whole bunch of specialy bolts. Such a really neat character in the right campaign.
Zirin Kerdex - Jade Phoenix Mage
Right from the Book of Nine swords. War blade and Wizard into JPM. Sure, it's not the most bad ass comboing for melee and magic, but the flavor is ssooo awesome. You're a constantly reincarnated soul, one of 13, who are a part of an ancient order. In times lost to the sands of history, an abomination called the Soul Drake descended upon the kingdom from whence the JPM came. It had already ravished most of the rest of the region, and now it came for them. Nearly the whole order died to defeat it, but n the end, 13 were able to create the prison. They became a part of it, and thus are reborn again and again, a living part of the Soul Drake's prison. So cool!! Zirin would just be this guy. A hero come again, who aims to do the same as he's done for countless cycles of reincarnations, what's right. No weird gear, just what comes up. Maybe at some point a reduckulessly oversized greatsword or bastard sword, but probably not.
Ken, Servent of the Flame - Champion of the Downtroden
Again, would neat a fiat to bring Argent Fist out of Eberron if necessary. Argent fist is a combo prestige class that brings paladin and monk together. And boy does it! Again, a chance to just play a strait up hero type. Two levels of monk, four paladin, and you're in. Add to that some of the throw energy feats from PHBII, and I'm a happy Ogre. Playing in Eberron? Done and done! Only thing they don't get is a progression add on to the lay on hands ability. Which is too bad, as I really like that ability.
There are others too of course. The Kalshtar soul knife with vow of poverty. A Ranger that goes into just a bit of warlock that sports Aberrant Dragonmarks (and power-up feats for the Dragonmarks) for almost every level based feat.
I know that I'd like to do a 3.75 game when 4th comes out (take what I like from 4th, and run it in 3rd), but I don't know how doable that would be without a LOT of work on my side of things.*sigh* I like DMing and all, and I'm told I'm pretty damn good at it, but it'd be nice to play a bit more often.
Anyway, this is more D&D speak, fell free to pass it by.
I've been contimplating in the last few days, that 3rd ed is only a few months away from closing up in favor of 4th Ed. Neither good nor bad really, it just is what it is. Hopefully the new mechanics won't be so... ahh, Magic the Gathering-like open to abuse by skilled mathmaticians? That'd be nice.
Anyway, I spend some much time running the game, I rarely get a chance to play these days. As such, there are a few characters that I'm just not going to get a chance to play.
Nixel Tyrons - Seeker of Knowledge
Now, I'll admit I'd need a DM fiat to play this guy the way I want, but that's only because I don't like the Illumian's as a race (they just don't do anything for me really), but I love one of their prestige classes (I'd need the fiat to play it as a human...). The idea is a Begulier (from PHBII) with the investigator feat (from Eberron), and eventually one of the Illumian prc's (in Races of Destiny, it gives bardic knowledge, and a few other goodies along with cater progression, and is all about finding lost knowledge!). Main weapons: hand crossbow and rapier, with more attention to the hand xbow. Eventually that little guy would have the quickloading enchantment, and a wand sheath. Plug in offensive spells and a whole bunch of specialy bolts. Such a really neat character in the right campaign.
Zirin Kerdex - Jade Phoenix Mage
Right from the Book of Nine swords. War blade and Wizard into JPM. Sure, it's not the most bad ass comboing for melee and magic, but the flavor is ssooo awesome. You're a constantly reincarnated soul, one of 13, who are a part of an ancient order. In times lost to the sands of history, an abomination called the Soul Drake descended upon the kingdom from whence the JPM came. It had already ravished most of the rest of the region, and now it came for them. Nearly the whole order died to defeat it, but n the end, 13 were able to create the prison. They became a part of it, and thus are reborn again and again, a living part of the Soul Drake's prison. So cool!! Zirin would just be this guy. A hero come again, who aims to do the same as he's done for countless cycles of reincarnations, what's right. No weird gear, just what comes up. Maybe at some point a reduckulessly oversized greatsword or bastard sword, but probably not.
Ken, Servent of the Flame - Champion of the Downtroden
Again, would neat a fiat to bring Argent Fist out of Eberron if necessary. Argent fist is a combo prestige class that brings paladin and monk together. And boy does it! Again, a chance to just play a strait up hero type. Two levels of monk, four paladin, and you're in. Add to that some of the throw energy feats from PHBII, and I'm a happy Ogre. Playing in Eberron? Done and done! Only thing they don't get is a progression add on to the lay on hands ability. Which is too bad, as I really like that ability.
There are others too of course. The Kalshtar soul knife with vow of poverty. A Ranger that goes into just a bit of warlock that sports Aberrant Dragonmarks (and power-up feats for the Dragonmarks) for almost every level based feat.
I know that I'd like to do a 3.75 game when 4th comes out (take what I like from 4th, and run it in 3rd), but I don't know how doable that would be without a LOT of work on my side of things.*sigh* I like DMing and all, and I'm told I'm pretty damn good at it, but it'd be nice to play a bit more often.
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