Well, all that's left to do with JtHO's today is clear out the trunk and glove box. I'll siphon out the fuel in the tank and have the old boy hauled away. Or rent a backhoe, dig a deep enough hole to put a 4 door in, and bury him upsidedown at a crossroads. Havn't figured which way I'm going to go on that one yet...
I did pick up some new wheels yesterday...

2003 Saturn L200 with the 4 cylinder engine and the 4 speed transmission. About that color too actually. I droped the extra money on the 36 month/36,000 mile waranty, gap insurance (I love gap insurance btw, such wonderfully nitch insurance to buy that you will be thanking your god/gods/goddess/nothing but a figmant of everyone else's imagination/etc for if you need it), and the service package (which covers basic maintance and is a discount on parts. Since my cars seem to like thier maintance more then some, I figured "why not?"). Also, there's 6 months of free roadside (12 if I decided to pay the 9.95 to get that one extended) that also covers rental vehilces. A .05/gallon discount card for Holiday's on gas good for like 2 years.
The new wheels (which I have yet to figure out the name of, but I'm sure it'll tell me within 6 months or so. We need to form a real relationship first...) which has 4 new tires. It also has some decent fuel economy (espcially compared to JtHO), 4 working doors (glee!), working heater (double glee!), working AC (more glee!), and is generally rust free (still glee, but not as much as for the 4 working doors...). It even has remote entry, which is fobulous!
While a few months earlier then I had planned, I'm pretty darn happy with what I got. A little bit on the high end of what I wanted to pay, but that's because of my choice to go with the better warranty. Which, I think is worth it for peice of mind if nothing else.
So, yeah, that's the new wheels. Wish us luck...
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