Thursday, February 14, 2008

More Random Geek Labber

I'm really bored at work. I'm donw with the project at this point, so all that's left is to go over some of it, and double check on it. For an hour and a half today, and all day tomorrow. Zug-zug.

Anyway, this is more D&D speak, fell free to pass it by.

I've been contimplating in the last few days, that 3rd ed is only a few months away from closing up in favor of 4th Ed. Neither good nor bad really, it just is what it is. Hopefully the new mechanics won't be so... ahh, Magic the Gathering-like open to abuse by skilled mathmaticians? That'd be nice.

Anyway, I spend some much time running the game, I rarely get a chance to play these days. As such, there are a few characters that I'm just not going to get a chance to play.

Nixel Tyrons - Seeker of Knowledge
Now, I'll admit I'd need a DM fiat to play this guy the way I want, but that's only because I don't like the Illumian's as a race (they just don't do anything for me really), but I love one of their prestige classes (I'd need the fiat to play it as a human...). The idea is a Begulier (from PHBII) with the investigator feat (from Eberron), and eventually one of the Illumian prc's (in Races of Destiny, it gives bardic knowledge, and a few other goodies along with cater progression, and is all about finding lost knowledge!). Main weapons: hand crossbow and rapier, with more attention to the hand xbow. Eventually that little guy would have the quickloading enchantment, and a wand sheath. Plug in offensive spells and a whole bunch of specialy bolts. Such a really neat character in the right campaign.

Zirin Kerdex - Jade Phoenix Mage
Right from the Book of Nine swords. War blade and Wizard into JPM. Sure, it's not the most bad ass comboing for melee and magic, but the flavor is ssooo awesome. You're a constantly reincarnated soul, one of 13, who are a part of an ancient order. In times lost to the sands of history, an abomination called the Soul Drake descended upon the kingdom from whence the JPM came. It had already ravished most of the rest of the region, and now it came for them. Nearly the whole order died to defeat it, but n the end, 13 were able to create the prison. They became a part of it, and thus are reborn again and again, a living part of the Soul Drake's prison. So cool!! Zirin would just be this guy. A hero come again, who aims to do the same as he's done for countless cycles of reincarnations, what's right. No weird gear, just what comes up. Maybe at some point a reduckulessly oversized greatsword or bastard sword, but probably not.

Ken, Servent of the Flame - Champion of the Downtroden
Again, would neat a fiat to bring Argent Fist out of Eberron if necessary. Argent fist is a combo prestige class that brings paladin and monk together. And boy does it! Again, a chance to just play a strait up hero type. Two levels of monk, four paladin, and you're in. Add to that some of the throw energy feats from PHBII, and I'm a happy Ogre. Playing in Eberron? Done and done! Only thing they don't get is a progression add on to the lay on hands ability. Which is too bad, as I really like that ability.

There are others too of course. The Kalshtar soul knife with vow of poverty. A Ranger that goes into just a bit of warlock that sports Aberrant Dragonmarks (and power-up feats for the Dragonmarks) for almost every level based feat.

I know that I'd like to do a 3.75 game when 4th comes out (take what I like from 4th, and run it in 3rd), but I don't know how doable that would be without a LOT of work on my side of things.*sigh* I like DMing and all, and I'm told I'm pretty damn good at it, but it'd be nice to play a bit more often.

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