Tuesday, February 19, 2008

It's Tuesday Already?

So, it's already been an odd week in some ways, decent in others. Yesterday (in the less odd category), I got a line on my next temp assignment from Kelly. It'd be simply phone work, which is good, but it'd be at a few dolors more an hour then either of the other two jobs I could have taken. And it's a temp to hire situation to boot. Woot. So, that looks like it has some potential. I also finally made contact with the guy in the other branch of Kelly that helps with job placement. While he doesn't think there's much he can do to help (there's a lot of people out there with fresh college degree's I guess), he's gonna take a look at my resume and see what he can do/tell me what he thinks of it. Hey, nothing to lose on that one.

As for the odd. Well, my dad accidentally shot himself in the leg yesterday. He's okay and all, but it's just fucking weird. He was putting his .45 in his shoulder holster since he was on his way to an armed security account he works, and it just went off. Safety was on, the hammer wasn't back, but the damn think went off. The bullet dug itself into his leg, and due to the angle, it's gonna stay there I guess. He's in, well, decent spirits all things considered. Hopefully he'll be home from the hospital tomorrow. From the sounds of things, he's gonna retire that pistol. I don't think I blame him either. Really, really weird.

Today was calm and normal. I'm just waiting for the company where I'll hopefully be temping to give me a call. I guess there's a phone interview involved.

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