Thursday, March 13, 2008

Teh Funny

So, my current gig is answering the phone for the Ohio's quite line (their stop-smoking program). Anyway, part of the enrollment process involves asking what their sexual orientation is (A. Hetro, B. Gay/Les, C. Bisexual, D. Other). Let me tell you, it's our most popular questions. Now, most of the time, people just pause for a moment, confused, then answer. Sometime people bitch a bit, and I just skip it (a built in option). Sometimes, I get a funny one. Like today, I had an older lady who was a little bit miffed about some of the demographic info being asked. Wasn't getting upset, just didn't want to give some of it out. No problem. Then I get to everyones favorite question. Her response was, and I'm not joking:
"Honey, I'm 77, I don't remember that."
I wish I could have put that one in the call record, but, alas, I can't. Still, I had to share.

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