Sunday, October 12, 2008

"Sex Drive"

So, I had the chance to pick up some extra hours today (well, technically Saturday) doing security at a movie screening (in other words, making sure no one is using a camcorder).

For Sex Drive.

Oh dears gods. I was payed, PAYED, to be there, and I still feel like I wasted my time. It was horrid. Except for Seth Green as the sarcastic and mechanically skilled Amish, and that's more becuase Seth Green can act then anything the script did. Wow though, that movie was painful. And this sneak preview only bosted about, oh, 7 people. Two of whom left about 30 minutes in. I wish I could have left then too. I told them as much. They laughed, and expressed their sympathies. Sure, there was a decent amount of boob in the movie. And, ya know, twelve years ago that might have helped carry thing a bit more. Back, ya know, when I couldn't just go and by porn.

I was left with the question though. Was there a time I would have found that funny? I'm pretty sure the answer is no. Yeah, just no. Now, i'm not saying friends couldn't have dragged me to it in High School, but not my first choice.

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