Monday, March 17, 2008

Epic Raid

As planned, I was able to make the protest against the Co$ this last weekend. An excellent time was had. We made it to the preraid gathering at a local Starbucks, and then hiked the several city blocks to where things were going down. I spent the first few hours on the near-by corner, holding a sign (provided by another Anon), and handing out fliers. Okay, that part wasn't too exciting, I'll admit. It was fun though, had a few people actually stop and talk. Most were fairly supportive. Had a few passing cars flash the bird. We cheered them on of course. We also cheered for those who honked at us and gave the big thumbs up and such. Lot's of cheering.

Eventually, The Hippie and I wondered over to Chipotle, since it was right there, for some lunch. After this, I was given over custody of the blow up doll that we had brought along. She was holding a sign and everything. And by gain custody, she was riding my shoulders for the rest of the Raid. We chanted some, we yelled some, we handed out more fliers and waved signs. I learned that my booming voice can make or break the average chant. If I join in for one cycle and stop, it's over. If I keep going, it keeps going (well, to an extent).

One of the big chants I got going, and kept going off and on all day was:
"Scientology Destroys Lives!
Scientology Destroys Families!
Protect Yourself!
Educate Yourself!!
Learn the Truth!"

I'm proud of that one. It just kinda grew out of some other chants me and another Anon strung together. Of course, my voice is still suffering for it today, but it should be good again by tomorrow. I hope. We were lead through a few chants. Anon's were there filming and taking pictures. The Co$ had a camera on the group the whole time. They also had this humorless guy standing in the forum. He wouldn't even wave back. Very rude. Imagine, not returning the friendly waves of the 140 or so masked people across the street from your building, chanting protests against your "beliefs." Like I said, a dick with no sense of humor.

I had an excellent time all in all, and I'm looking forward to the next. Not sure when it's going to be next month, and there's rumors that it might be at the State Capital next time. Works for me.

That's it though, the quick and dirty of my part in Operation Party Hard.

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