Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I've realized that this job is going to be an endless source of fucked up calls, and hence, BLOG entries.

So, I just spoke with a gal, about 59 years old, for the quite smoking thing. Apparently, her doctor told her to take up smoking back when her 4th husband was smacking her around. Since, you know he wouldn't help her with her stress any other way. Oh, and the last time she was on the patch, her roommate killed themselves. It involved slashing open major arteries. Bloody mess type situation. So she just lit one up while on the patch. Fun!!

The other fun one, was the guy who started smoking while he was a teacher at a psych ward for juveniles. At this time (about 80-81), the state of Ohio was providing smokes to the kids there (ages 13-14 or so). The shrinks said it would help to keep the kids calm. What a change 20 or so years makes...

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