Sunday, November 2, 2008

All Hallows Eve

So, the Hallowene parties I went to averaged out to okay. The Whore House was kinda slow, decent crowd but not a whole lot actually going on. Cheries (I wonder if I spelled that even close to right?) was the Cosmics/O'Gara's crowd. Nothing wrong with that mind ya, people I like to hang out with, but not much for new faces. Decent chit-chat for the most part. It was also nice to have the night off from work. I think my next day off will probably be Thanksgiving. Unless I can pick-up an extra shift somewhere. I probably can. Hell, I'm probably going to pick up an extra half shift next weekend to make up some time from this week. Maybe the week after too. No rest and all that jazz.

My Arthur Dent costume went better thenI expected. In fact, more people then I expected figured out who I was right off. A few more figured it out after I dropped into my stumbling Arthur Dent voice. A few just didn't get it. but then again, I was dressed as a character from The Hitchhiker's Guide, so that's to be expected. I had a towl, that aquired some whiskey for me to suck on as the night wore on, and my bathrobe, slippers, a pair of sleep shorts, and a teeshirt that just seemed very Dent-like. I also carted around a copy of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy as well. The novels, not an actual copy of that wholy remarkable book. Maybe some other time. I think I could probably do up a database using Access. Or just some prompts in my graphing calculator. Whatever.

Saturday, Ethan and Berliner swung by to hang out and watch some TV. It shaped up to a nice day.

Now, if I can survive the last week of training for my new job, that'd be cool. I guess I'm doing well though. We had a review test (they don't call it a test, but it is) on Friday. They don't expect people to get done with more then half of the questions in the hour they give. I was pissed that I didn't get the last one finished. So close. And all of them were basically right too. A few little partial flubs here and there, and one I just could not find the answer to, but that's all. I'm really hoping to score one of the permanent postions at the end of the temp contract.
It'd be nice.

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