Friday, June 5, 2009

New Job

Oh, I also have a new Temp Job.

While the contract wasn't up yet at Thomson Reuters, I had the opportunity for an 8 month (hopefully at least) contract elsewhere. Since I didn't want to take the chance of being unemployed again this year, I went for it.

So, now I'm answering the phones (still), but this time it's for the MNPass toll lanes. So very much less in the way of call volume. Should be nice.

My week of training ends today, so starting next week I'm actually in the mix. The hours are more normal too, I'm on 8-4:30. Which is a really nice change.

However, when all's said and done, I'm still just answering the phones. Argh, I need a real job...


They're remaking Lunar The Silver Star Story once more!!!!!! Glee!!!!

Updated graphics engine. Four new stories. All new sound effects. Coming to US by the end of the year (I hope, I hope, I hope!!!) My heart is goddess damn singing with joy! I'm not even shitting you. This has made me the happiest Ogre that I've been in months! Now I just need to get a PSP. That's right, just for this game. A PSP. That is all.

Happy happy joy joy
Happy happy joy joy
Happy happy joy joy
Happy happy joy joy
Happy happy joy joy
Happy happy joy joy
Happy happy joy joy joy

Saturday, March 7, 2009

How do I get all the really weird calls...

A caller on Friday asked if I had a kidney to spare. I wish I was joking. I'm not. She was really pushing it too. Is there a polite way to tell someone "bitch, leave my kidney out of this!" There ought to be.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Well, word is back. Six open jobs became two. While I was defiantly in the top six, I didn't make the top two. They were able to extend the temp contract to end of March, but only because they still need to fill some phone slots. I'm going to check the job postings here and apply my ass off. And then hope? Yeah. Well, no use not.

Still going to be poor company for a bit I'd wager.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Darwin Day

Happy Darwin Day Everyone! Woot!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Fucking Idiots

The employees at Mill City Museum are fucking retards, who have once again forgot how to work their FUCKING alarm. While this is only the second Saturday in a row of this, if pattern holds from last year, it won't be the last.

It's not that fucking hard you gods damned retards, its really not. Use your fucking alarm right. It's all I ask from you.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Time is Here

So, i got a card and a gift from Annie and Josh yesterday. Which was cool. Although weird. They sent me a picture (which was nice), but it means I got a Christmas Card. Like, with a picture. Like the type you get when you're all grown up. I mean, I'm damn near 30, this shouldn't weird me out like it is, but here I am, a bit weirded out. I mean, I'm glad they sent it, and I'm going to start putting together a list on my computer of who sent and was sent Xmas cards and begin tracking that for next year (when I think I'll start sending cards), but still. Wow. Blew my fucking mind.

Don't take much I guess.

ROFLOL Gods but I love the Holiday Season.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


After living the last few years without, I know have health inurance again! It turns out that even being a part time employee for Securitas you can opt for the insurance. Awesome! Time to go get in a bar fight and see just how good it is!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Random Blog

So I'm still at work, and as per my new hours I will be until 7 for the foreseeable future. It's kinda nice so far. Things start to get kinda slow about 5:30, and after a day of one call after another, that's a nice break. Time to do a little reading, and as long as I remember my jump drive, some typing too. It's nice.

The weekend was fairly good. I'm not sure why either. I mean, friends came over on Saturday and we watched Bender's game and then some Penn and Teller BS! Which was a good time. Alas, I missed the MISFITS movie night, but that's okay. MISFITS has many events. I think I'm going to really try to go to them too. Meet some people and all that jazz.

But, yeah, I've been in a good mood of late. The reassurance of knowing where my bill paying is coming from is a nice change from the last year. I think things are defiantly looking good for me. I'm going to ride that for as long as I can too. I've actually felt like I should do something proactive about not being single anymore too. I haven't felt like that in awhile. Damned if I know what to do with that, but there it is. *chuckle*

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Training Done

So, 4 weeks of training behind me at last. We had our big final review/test on Friday. You have to get 90% or something to be able to take phone calls. So, I missed three questions out of at least 60 some. Probably closer to 100. So, yeah, I passed. The main trainer asked me afterwords why I was so nervous. I should have told them that I wasn't. However, the rest of the class calmed down a lot when I pretended. *shrug* Didn't cost me anything.
In other words, I'm going to be taking calls as of Monday from the sounds of things. I just need to keep up with this and I should hopefully go full time come March.

Also, on a late election note, I've know spoken to at least one black man who's not pleased with Obama being elected. The good Mr. Slaughter wanted to be the first black President, and is a little bit vexed that someone's beaten him to the punch. So, remember, when you see Alan Slaughter for President in about 12 years or so, give him a vote. I know he'd appreciate it.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

All Hallows Eve

So, the Hallowene parties I went to averaged out to okay. The Whore House was kinda slow, decent crowd but not a whole lot actually going on. Cheries (I wonder if I spelled that even close to right?) was the Cosmics/O'Gara's crowd. Nothing wrong with that mind ya, people I like to hang out with, but not much for new faces. Decent chit-chat for the most part. It was also nice to have the night off from work. I think my next day off will probably be Thanksgiving. Unless I can pick-up an extra shift somewhere. I probably can. Hell, I'm probably going to pick up an extra half shift next weekend to make up some time from this week. Maybe the week after too. No rest and all that jazz.

My Arthur Dent costume went better thenI expected. In fact, more people then I expected figured out who I was right off. A few more figured it out after I dropped into my stumbling Arthur Dent voice. A few just didn't get it. but then again, I was dressed as a character from The Hitchhiker's Guide, so that's to be expected. I had a towl, that aquired some whiskey for me to suck on as the night wore on, and my bathrobe, slippers, a pair of sleep shorts, and a teeshirt that just seemed very Dent-like. I also carted around a copy of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy as well. The novels, not an actual copy of that wholy remarkable book. Maybe some other time. I think I could probably do up a database using Access. Or just some prompts in my graphing calculator. Whatever.

Saturday, Ethan and Berliner swung by to hang out and watch some TV. It shaped up to a nice day.

Now, if I can survive the last week of training for my new job, that'd be cool. I guess I'm doing well though. We had a review test (they don't call it a test, but it is) on Friday. They don't expect people to get done with more then half of the questions in the hour they give. I was pissed that I didn't get the last one finished. So close. And all of them were basically right too. A few little partial flubs here and there, and one I just could not find the answer to, but that's all. I'm really hoping to score one of the permanent postions at the end of the temp contract.
It'd be nice.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Week in review

Well, for what seems like the first time in months, I actually have something to talk about under this heading.

So, as I've been so happy about, I've started a new job this past week. Fucking finally! Anyway, it has 4 weeks of training before I hit the floor to support West Legal Publishing. Lots of very expensive books, that have annual upkeep in the thousands of dollars. Yep, for books. Neat huh? Anyway, most of the training is learning our way through the multiple software suites used, including a somewhat prevelant German database (from the looks of it) called SAP. It's not too hard, just another chunck of software to learn to use. I think my biggest problem might be making sure I don't say the wrong greating when I take a call. That would be embarasing...
When I'm finally on the floor, my shift is going to run 10:30 to 7:00. While I was hoping to score the 10:00 to 6:30 shift or a 9:30 to 6:00 shift, that one will be okay. I can sleep till about 9 every day, and easily make it to work on time. A bit of a late shift, but not too bad. Although, it will mean I'll be running late for game. Which is, of course, the reason I wanted an earlier shift. *chuckle* We'll see how things go if they decide to keep me on (man, I really hope they do to, I'd love some steady work, no worries about being out of work between jobs again).

I'm also a big fan of their days off (unpaid, but I'll live). Thanksgiving and the day after off. That's going to be REALLY nice. As will having Xmas and the day after Xmas off. I have no problem working Xmas eve. None at all. And while I won't get New Year's Eve off, I will get New Years Day off. Lawyers Holidays...

Best thing about this though? All the hot, HOT bill-paying action I'm going to get up to next week!! Aw-yeah, is it going to be out of sight! I mean, just wild, WILD good times. While I like getting all the phone calls (I get lonely too sometimes...), they have such a hostile tone. They really want my money. REALLY want it. Now I can finally get the wolf a bit further from the door. (We've been getting close these last few weeks, and alas I've had no vodka to give said wolf...)

Let's see, what else. Oh, I'm just under $40 from finishing off my Full Metal Alchemist collection. I found a site that has all the ones I'm missing (8, 9, 10, 11, and 13. I won 12 at CONvergance a few years ago) for $7.99 each. And they're not even pirates or anything! While it's not on the "to-get" list right off, I should be able to make the purchase next month. Hopty!
So, yeah, that's that. Now I just have to get back into the swing of these long Friday/Saturday's.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So I want a really complete library at some point...

Since I'm working for West Publishing (Thomson-Reuters technically, but West is a big part of them), we've been going through products. So many books. Anyway, I've come to the realization, and this is utterly self-indulgent, but if I were to ever win the lotto, I'd have this set of books in my perosnal library. It takes up a little over 55 feet (55!!) of shelf space!

Am I a lawyer? No. Do I want to be one? Not really. Do I want their huge core of legal texts for no other reason then to fill up a ginormis amount of shelf? Yes. Yes I most certainly do. And if I had scads of money, I'd be happy to drop six grand on them.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

"Sex Drive"

So, I had the chance to pick up some extra hours today (well, technically Saturday) doing security at a movie screening (in other words, making sure no one is using a camcorder).

For Sex Drive.

Oh dears gods. I was payed, PAYED, to be there, and I still feel like I wasted my time. It was horrid. Except for Seth Green as the sarcastic and mechanically skilled Amish, and that's more becuase Seth Green can act then anything the script did. Wow though, that movie was painful. And this sneak preview only bosted about, oh, 7 people. Two of whom left about 30 minutes in. I wish I could have left then too. I told them as much. They laughed, and expressed their sympathies. Sure, there was a decent amount of boob in the movie. And, ya know, twelve years ago that might have helped carry thing a bit more. Back, ya know, when I couldn't just go and by porn.

I was left with the question though. Was there a time I would have found that funny? I'm pretty sure the answer is no. Yeah, just no. Now, i'm not saying friends couldn't have dragged me to it in High School, but not my first choice.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Employeed at last....

Kelly Services finally found something for me. Some more customer service oriented stuff for Thomson-Reuters. It's a long-term contract, so I'm bus till February at least, and if I'm lucky, I'll land a full time spot there. I don't want to go through this BS again anytime soon. So, now all I have to do is juggle things for another two weeks, and things should begin to work out again. Finally. Sure, all my credit cards are in repayment plans and the people with my student loans are not happy with me, but fuck 'em. I kept a roof over my head, and only needs to borrow a few hundred from family to keep myself afloat over about three months of being more-or-less out of work. Thank Discord that's over...