Friday, June 5, 2009

New Job

Oh, I also have a new Temp Job.

While the contract wasn't up yet at Thomson Reuters, I had the opportunity for an 8 month (hopefully at least) contract elsewhere. Since I didn't want to take the chance of being unemployed again this year, I went for it.

So, now I'm answering the phones (still), but this time it's for the MNPass toll lanes. So very much less in the way of call volume. Should be nice.

My week of training ends today, so starting next week I'm actually in the mix. The hours are more normal too, I'm on 8-4:30. Which is a really nice change.

However, when all's said and done, I'm still just answering the phones. Argh, I need a real job...


They're remaking Lunar The Silver Star Story once more!!!!!! Glee!!!!

Updated graphics engine. Four new stories. All new sound effects. Coming to US by the end of the year (I hope, I hope, I hope!!!) My heart is goddess damn singing with joy! I'm not even shitting you. This has made me the happiest Ogre that I've been in months! Now I just need to get a PSP. That's right, just for this game. A PSP. That is all.

Happy happy joy joy
Happy happy joy joy
Happy happy joy joy
Happy happy joy joy
Happy happy joy joy
Happy happy joy joy
Happy happy joy joy joy

Saturday, March 7, 2009

How do I get all the really weird calls...

A caller on Friday asked if I had a kidney to spare. I wish I was joking. I'm not. She was really pushing it too. Is there a polite way to tell someone "bitch, leave my kidney out of this!" There ought to be.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Well, word is back. Six open jobs became two. While I was defiantly in the top six, I didn't make the top two. They were able to extend the temp contract to end of March, but only because they still need to fill some phone slots. I'm going to check the job postings here and apply my ass off. And then hope? Yeah. Well, no use not.

Still going to be poor company for a bit I'd wager.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Darwin Day

Happy Darwin Day Everyone! Woot!