Sunday, March 30, 2008
So, most of my Saturday, the not asleep part that is, was spent bowling. In the end, I got threw three games. Scored 96, 98, and 98 (and was throwing them at about 18mph). Since my average was around 100 when I was playing a lot in high school, I'm not upset about that. It was a friends 30th b-day, which was the excuse for going out. Now, I'm back at work. Whee.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The Car is Dead, Long Live the Car!
Well, all that's left to do with JtHO's today is clear out the trunk and glove box. I'll siphon out the fuel in the tank and have the old boy hauled away. Or rent a backhoe, dig a deep enough hole to put a 4 door in, and bury him upsidedown at a crossroads. Havn't figured which way I'm going to go on that one yet...
I did pick up some new wheels yesterday...
2003 Saturn L200 with the 4 cylinder engine and the 4 speed transmission. About that color too actually. I droped the extra money on the 36 month/36,000 mile waranty, gap insurance (I love gap insurance btw, such wonderfully nitch insurance to buy that you will be thanking your god/gods/goddess/nothing but a figmant of everyone else's imagination/etc for if you need it), and the service package (which covers basic maintance and is a discount on parts. Since my cars seem to like thier maintance more then some, I figured "why not?"). Also, there's 6 months of free roadside (12 if I decided to pay the 9.95 to get that one extended) that also covers rental vehilces. A .05/gallon discount card for Holiday's on gas good for like 2 years.
The new wheels (which I have yet to figure out the name of, but I'm sure it'll tell me within 6 months or so. We need to form a real relationship first...) which has 4 new tires. It also has some decent fuel economy (espcially compared to JtHO), 4 working doors (glee!), working heater (double glee!), working AC (more glee!), and is generally rust free (still glee, but not as much as for the 4 working doors...). It even has remote entry, which is fobulous!
While a few months earlier then I had planned, I'm pretty darn happy with what I got. A little bit on the high end of what I wanted to pay, but that's because of my choice to go with the better warranty. Which, I think is worth it for peice of mind if nothing else.
So, yeah, that's the new wheels. Wish us luck...
I did pick up some new wheels yesterday...
The new wheels (which I have yet to figure out the name of, but I'm sure it'll tell me within 6 months or so. We need to form a real relationship first...) which has 4 new tires. It also has some decent fuel economy (espcially compared to JtHO), 4 working doors (glee!), working heater (double glee!), working AC (more glee!), and is generally rust free (still glee, but not as much as for the 4 working doors...). It even has remote entry, which is fobulous!
While a few months earlier then I had planned, I'm pretty darn happy with what I got. A little bit on the high end of what I wanted to pay, but that's because of my choice to go with the better warranty. Which, I think is worth it for peice of mind if nothing else.
So, yeah, that's the new wheels. Wish us luck...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I couldn't resist
Your results:
You are Dr. Simon Tam (Ship Medic)
Click here to take the Serenity Firefly Personality Test
You are Dr. Simon Tam (Ship Medic)
| Medicine and physical healing are your game, but wooing women isn't a strong suit. |
Click here to take the Serenity Firefly Personality Test
Rest in Pieces
In the Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ 2008, on March the 25, at 1255 Greenwich Mean Time, Johnny the Homicidal Oldsmobile gave forth its death rattle. After many years of noble and enduring service, he finally lost his battle against entropy and engine wear, developing a terminal low engine noise from the cylinders. Thus an erra ends. Rest well old friend, you've more then earned it.
Monday, March 24, 2008
How My Easter Went
So, I work on weekend. I work an overnight shift on the weekends in fact. So, when I got off work on Sunday at 8:30, instead of going home to fall into the sweet embrace of slumber, I went to my folks place. Even though we wouldn't be going to my cousin's place until noon, it wouldn't have done me much good to go home, just to not sleep and head over to the rents. Besides, I wanted to get my taxes done (getting money back thanks to the student loan payments, and that's about all). But anyway, we eventually strike out to my cousin's place, getting there without getting lost even! We had to take to vehicles, so this [i]was[/i] actually a concern.
Once there, I got to meet my new little second cousin. Fairly well behaved for being 4 months old. That's sure to change. Saw the new wordworking gear that was in residence. Good stuff. Hung out and shot the shit with my relatives. My sister commented that I had some weird friends, so I naturally began to talk about the absolute oddest. The trany, the guy that get's nakkid when his band is playing, the guy that cuts himself when his band is playing (like, carves his chest up with shards of broken bottle, etc. I so won that one. My sis and I were in fine form for sibling banter, neither of us gaining any sort of significant advantage for any length of time.
Dinner was good. The ham was cooked with Coke (a-cola, I had to ask too. It was good stuff!), and the pig was from one of my other cousins farm. So, it was fresh to say the least (I think butchered that weekend). The salad was ok, not as good as last year. The hash browns were pretty good. No deviled eggs though. Didn't like that, but I'll get over it. Maybe next year I'll actually have to just bring my own or something. The horror...
We left pretty early since one of my sibs needed to get on the road sooner then later to get back to school on time. So, I think I was home by about 5:30 or so. I watched the last of my weekend NetFlix, and I Am Legend (I borrowed that from a sibling). I Am Legend was okay. Big divergence from what I remember of the book. I need to reread the book though. I will say, that when he lost his dog, I almost cried a little. And, also, wow did Will Smith do a good job with that. He did a great job showing how his character was going insane from the lack of human contact. When Sam died, well, you knew that it was pretty much all over. Also, and I don't know if this is an Easter Egg or not, there was a movie poster for what looked like a Batman/Superman movie in the backdrops of New York at one point. Maybe a little hint at a World's Finest movie in the works? Huh?
Anyway, I collapsed to bed about 10:30. Slept like the dead until my alarm went off too. Today has been an off and on struggle to stay awake too. Just miserable. I hope I can keep it together enough to go to SW mini's tonight. It'd be nice. Might just go home and sleep though.
Once there, I got to meet my new little second cousin. Fairly well behaved for being 4 months old. That's sure to change. Saw the new wordworking gear that was in residence. Good stuff. Hung out and shot the shit with my relatives. My sister commented that I had some weird friends, so I naturally began to talk about the absolute oddest. The trany, the guy that get's nakkid when his band is playing, the guy that cuts himself when his band is playing (like, carves his chest up with shards of broken bottle, etc. I so won that one. My sis and I were in fine form for sibling banter, neither of us gaining any sort of significant advantage for any length of time.
Dinner was good. The ham was cooked with Coke (a-cola, I had to ask too. It was good stuff!), and the pig was from one of my other cousins farm. So, it was fresh to say the least (I think butchered that weekend). The salad was ok, not as good as last year. The hash browns were pretty good. No deviled eggs though. Didn't like that, but I'll get over it. Maybe next year I'll actually have to just bring my own or something. The horror...
We left pretty early since one of my sibs needed to get on the road sooner then later to get back to school on time. So, I think I was home by about 5:30 or so. I watched the last of my weekend NetFlix, and I Am Legend (I borrowed that from a sibling). I Am Legend was okay. Big divergence from what I remember of the book. I need to reread the book though. I will say, that when he lost his dog, I almost cried a little. And, also, wow did Will Smith do a good job with that. He did a great job showing how his character was going insane from the lack of human contact. When Sam died, well, you knew that it was pretty much all over. Also, and I don't know if this is an Easter Egg or not, there was a movie poster for what looked like a Batman/Superman movie in the backdrops of New York at one point. Maybe a little hint at a World's Finest movie in the works? Huh?
Anyway, I collapsed to bed about 10:30. Slept like the dead until my alarm went off too. Today has been an off and on struggle to stay awake too. Just miserable. I hope I can keep it together enough to go to SW mini's tonight. It'd be nice. Might just go home and sleep though.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter
Happy Easter all! Here's hoping that Jesus doesn't see his shadow, run back into his tomb, and we all have another 40 days of lent!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight - The Movie
So I got Dragons of Autumn Twilight from NetFlix this week. While I was aware that it was some, well, low end animation, I knew I had to give it a try. Low end doesn't even begin to describe it. The cell animation would have probably been right at home in a low end 80's after school cartoon. The CGI was choppy at best, and that's what the dragons and draconians were done with. Clumsy even. It just wasn't that good looking.
The story itself had a bit too much that was glossed over. While I knew that the bit with the Gully Dwarves was going to be dropped, which is too bad but if you need to drop something, well. However, there are some other bits that they didn't touch on that hurts the story overall. Like, the Green Gemstone man. Yeah, not hide nor hair of him. No hint from the Forestmaster in Darkenwoods that Strum was marked for a noble and heroic death. Then there was the stuff that didn't make it that I'd have liked to see. Like a little more with Pax Tharkas would have been really nice. Not needed, just nice. A bit more with the crazy old red dragon there, and her relationship with the children and mothers would have been cool too. You also didn't see Tanis get his sword (which, while cool, you can cut without much impact, sure). They skipped the conversation where Riverwind asks Tanis why he doesn't go by "Half-Man" and not "Half-Elf" (which I've always felt helped them become friends).
Then there was the stuff they didn't bother to hint at. Like, Kitiara being a Dragon High Lord. Revealed at the end. Fizbin being Paladine? Revealed at the end. And sure, that isn't too hard to guess after a bit, but still, the fun is guessing it as time goes on!
I will say that the voice work was pretty decent. They had a good cast put together after all. However, everytime Tas asked Ras about his magic, it came out as either a cruel or snide comment. Maybe I've just always read that wrong, but I always thought that was just Tas being curious, not mean. Poorly executed.
I was hoping it would be at least decent enough to think about picking up, but I'm thinking not. Too bad, I've been waiting for this sort of project for years, but this is a big fail.
The story itself had a bit too much that was glossed over. While I knew that the bit with the Gully Dwarves was going to be dropped, which is too bad but if you need to drop something, well. However, there are some other bits that they didn't touch on that hurts the story overall. Like, the Green Gemstone man. Yeah, not hide nor hair of him. No hint from the Forestmaster in Darkenwoods that Strum was marked for a noble and heroic death. Then there was the stuff that didn't make it that I'd have liked to see. Like a little more with Pax Tharkas would have been really nice. Not needed, just nice. A bit more with the crazy old red dragon there, and her relationship with the children and mothers would have been cool too. You also didn't see Tanis get his sword (which, while cool, you can cut without much impact, sure). They skipped the conversation where Riverwind asks Tanis why he doesn't go by "Half-Man" and not "Half-Elf" (which I've always felt helped them become friends).
Then there was the stuff they didn't bother to hint at. Like, Kitiara being a Dragon High Lord. Revealed at the end. Fizbin being Paladine? Revealed at the end. And sure, that isn't too hard to guess after a bit, but still, the fun is guessing it as time goes on!
I will say that the voice work was pretty decent. They had a good cast put together after all. However, everytime Tas asked Ras about his magic, it came out as either a cruel or snide comment. Maybe I've just always read that wrong, but I always thought that was just Tas being curious, not mean. Poorly executed.
I was hoping it would be at least decent enough to think about picking up, but I'm thinking not. Too bad, I've been waiting for this sort of project for years, but this is a big fail.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I've realized that this job is going to be an endless source of fucked up calls, and hence, BLOG entries.
So, I just spoke with a gal, about 59 years old, for the quite smoking thing. Apparently, her doctor told her to take up smoking back when her 4th husband was smacking her around. Since, you know he wouldn't help her with her stress any other way. Oh, and the last time she was on the patch, her roommate killed themselves. It involved slashing open major arteries. Bloody mess type situation. So she just lit one up while on the patch. Fun!!
The other fun one, was the guy who started smoking while he was a teacher at a psych ward for juveniles. At this time (about 80-81), the state of Ohio was providing smokes to the kids there (ages 13-14 or so). The shrinks said it would help to keep the kids calm. What a change 20 or so years makes...
So, I just spoke with a gal, about 59 years old, for the quite smoking thing. Apparently, her doctor told her to take up smoking back when her 4th husband was smacking her around. Since, you know he wouldn't help her with her stress any other way. Oh, and the last time she was on the patch, her roommate killed themselves. It involved slashing open major arteries. Bloody mess type situation. So she just lit one up while on the patch. Fun!!
The other fun one, was the guy who started smoking while he was a teacher at a psych ward for juveniles. At this time (about 80-81), the state of Ohio was providing smokes to the kids there (ages 13-14 or so). The shrinks said it would help to keep the kids calm. What a change 20 or so years makes...
Monday, March 17, 2008
Epic Raid
As planned, I was able to make the protest against the Co$ this last weekend. An excellent time was had. We made it to the preraid gathering at a local Starbucks, and then hiked the several city blocks to where things were going down. I spent the first few hours on the near-by corner, holding a sign (provided by another Anon), and handing out fliers. Okay, that part wasn't too exciting, I'll admit. It was fun though, had a few people actually stop and talk. Most were fairly supportive. Had a few passing cars flash the bird. We cheered them on of course. We also cheered for those who honked at us and gave the big thumbs up and such. Lot's of cheering.
Eventually, The Hippie and I wondered over to Chipotle, since it was right there, for some lunch. After this, I was given over custody of the blow up doll that we had brought along. She was holding a sign and everything. And by gain custody, she was riding my shoulders for the rest of the Raid. We chanted some, we yelled some, we handed out more fliers and waved signs. I learned that my booming voice can make or break the average chant. If I join in for one cycle and stop, it's over. If I keep going, it keeps going (well, to an extent).
One of the big chants I got going, and kept going off and on all day was:
I'm proud of that one. It just kinda grew out of some other chants me and another Anon strung together. Of course, my voice is still suffering for it today, but it should be good again by tomorrow. I hope. We were lead through a few chants. Anon's were there filming and taking pictures. The Co$ had a camera on the group the whole time. They also had this humorless guy standing in the forum. He wouldn't even wave back. Very rude. Imagine, not returning the friendly waves of the 140 or so masked people across the street from your building, chanting protests against your "beliefs." Like I said, a dick with no sense of humor.
I had an excellent time all in all, and I'm looking forward to the next. Not sure when it's going to be next month, and there's rumors that it might be at the State Capital next time. Works for me.
That's it though, the quick and dirty of my part in Operation Party Hard.
Eventually, The Hippie and I wondered over to Chipotle, since it was right there, for some lunch. After this, I was given over custody of the blow up doll that we had brought along. She was holding a sign and everything. And by gain custody, she was riding my shoulders for the rest of the Raid. We chanted some, we yelled some, we handed out more fliers and waved signs. I learned that my booming voice can make or break the average chant. If I join in for one cycle and stop, it's over. If I keep going, it keeps going (well, to an extent).
One of the big chants I got going, and kept going off and on all day was:
"Scientology Destroys Lives!
Scientology Destroys Families!
Protect Yourself!
Educate Yourself!!
Learn the Truth!"
Scientology Destroys Families!
Protect Yourself!
Educate Yourself!!
Learn the Truth!"
I'm proud of that one. It just kinda grew out of some other chants me and another Anon strung together. Of course, my voice is still suffering for it today, but it should be good again by tomorrow. I hope. We were lead through a few chants. Anon's were there filming and taking pictures. The Co$ had a camera on the group the whole time. They also had this humorless guy standing in the forum. He wouldn't even wave back. Very rude. Imagine, not returning the friendly waves of the 140 or so masked people across the street from your building, chanting protests against your "beliefs." Like I said, a dick with no sense of humor.
I had an excellent time all in all, and I'm looking forward to the next. Not sure when it's going to be next month, and there's rumors that it might be at the State Capital next time. Works for me.
That's it though, the quick and dirty of my part in Operation Party Hard.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Teh Funny
So, my current gig is answering the phone for the Ohio's quite line (their stop-smoking program). Anyway, part of the enrollment process involves asking what their sexual orientation is (A. Hetro, B. Gay/Les, C. Bisexual, D. Other). Let me tell you, it's our most popular questions. Now, most of the time, people just pause for a moment, confused, then answer. Sometime people bitch a bit, and I just skip it (a built in option). Sometimes, I get a funny one. Like today, I had an older lady who was a little bit miffed about some of the demographic info being asked. Wasn't getting upset, just didn't want to give some of it out. No problem. Then I get to everyones favorite question. Her response was, and I'm not joking:
"Honey, I'm 77, I don't remember that."
I wish I could have put that one in the call record, but, alas, I can't. Still, I had to share.
"Honey, I'm 77, I don't remember that."
I wish I could have put that one in the call record, but, alas, I can't. Still, I had to share.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
So. Very. Cool!!!
Okay, this is one of the cooler articles on nanotech I've seen in awhile. Very, very fucking cool stuff!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Beware the Ides of March
At least this time I know why...
Holy shit am I tired. I'm just fading here. Why? Well, despite getting plenty of sleep last night, the night before, I didn't get any.
My friend Katie is making a short anti-drug film, I think for a local school, and I've been a background figure in a few scenes. So, once again, I was asked to show up and stand around. I said sure. Filming was at 9am Sunday morning. So, after getting off of work at 8:30, I wondered on over. She got done and sent us all home about 10:30 or so (we got everything dome pretty quick). I then went out and had some breakfast with another friends who'd volunteer to help, got some grocery shopping in, and when I saw it 12:30 when I got back in, said, fuck it, and just went with it. So, I watched Scrubs, built a Scion character up to god level, and then played some Exalted. Then collapsed into a nice deep sleep. However, it's obvious that I'm still working on a bit of a sleep deficit. Hopefully, I'll be back up to snuff tomorrow.
My friend Katie is making a short anti-drug film, I think for a local school, and I've been a background figure in a few scenes. So, once again, I was asked to show up and stand around. I said sure. Filming was at 9am Sunday morning. So, after getting off of work at 8:30, I wondered on over. She got done and sent us all home about 10:30 or so (we got everything dome pretty quick). I then went out and had some breakfast with another friends who'd volunteer to help, got some grocery shopping in, and when I saw it 12:30 when I got back in, said, fuck it, and just went with it. So, I watched Scrubs, built a Scion character up to god level, and then played some Exalted. Then collapsed into a nice deep sleep. However, it's obvious that I'm still working on a bit of a sleep deficit. Hopefully, I'll be back up to snuff tomorrow.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Sleepy, but why...?
Ok, I banked in like 9 hours of sleep last night. Good, solid, deep sleep. The sleep of the just, you know, that sleep I get damn near any night (why, I don't know, I don't question my luck). So why am I tired at work? This is fraking annoying. Especially since I'm not going to be getting to sleep till about 9 Saturday morning. Sunday'll be worse, since I've agreed to be in the back ground of my friends movie, and she's shooting from 9-1 or so on Sunday. But still, why am I tired??? I'm soo happy I've got next weekend off.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
A thought on THAC0...
"And low, the fighter did roll his attack, and ask the DM: 'So, does my 16 hit?' And thus did the DM answear: 'No, you needed a 17.' So, in confusion, did the player respond: 'No way, are you sure?' For this, did the DM consult his many charts and tables to determine the interplay between the Fighters THAC0 and the fell beasts AC. After a time, the DM looked upon his player and said unto him, 'My bad, you only needed a 3.' And thus was THAC0 thrown the hell out for 3rd edition, for it had beget a to-hit system that was not ass-backwards, and it was good. So Say We All."
A small tribute...
So, last night my gaming buddies and I poured some Mountain Dew out on the snowy ground, and each mummbled a few words for the OG. The Orginal Gamer. A lot has been said, mostly nice, about Gary Gygax since his passing earlier this week. I was hoping to have a chance to dig up my 1st ed DMG, read a few passages, but no such luck. I have no idea where it's tucked away at the moment. Oh well. In my heart, I was reading random encounter tables...
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Gary Gygax, July 27, 1938 – March 4, 2008
News from Blog and message board land has it that Gygax has gone on to the big convention in the sky. Here's to one of the two people who made D&D.
Small Favor
So I just read the 4 preview chapters for Small Favor, the next book in the Dresden Files. Squee!! Now I just have to wait 28 day for the rest of the book. And finally, Charity and Harry are more or less getting along. About time. I mean, how many times does he need to save her husband and children before she get's over the whole: I don't think I trust you, as you're a Wizard. (Sure, it's far more complicated then that, but for a long time that's what it looked like it was). Regardless, I'm all a quiver with anticipation for this one.
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