Thursday, February 14, 2008

I'd be the Criminal, wouldn't I?

My guess is that it would be some sort of legal issue if I found the gal who wrote this and used a baseball bat to exaplin to her that one does not destil complex social issues into "guys only mature when married, and video games are evil!"? I'd probably be the one labeled "bad guy" in this exchange, wouldn't I? Shit...

But, really, Discords name this article pissed me off. I looked, she has a few books, and a lot of degree's in, something? I havn't found what her degree's are actually in, but I'm sure I could with some digging. She appreantly, though, is proof that college degree are rarely worth the paper they're printed on.

I mean, come on! Because, yeah, I know all my fem-friends magically matured when they hit 20. Oh, all us in the male end of the equation are simply wallowing in our extended adolcense for no other reason then to wallow! Yeah. Because to enjoy video games past the age of 18 or so, you need to be a social deviant I guess. Oh, and I can only make the metamorphasis from child to man via the magic of marriage. I'm just so pissed by this sort of shit.

Sure, do I know some people like this, enjoying their extended time free of the obligations that come with home ownership and having a family. You betcha, I know pleant of guys and gals that fit this. I also know pleanty of single guys and gals who are doing just fine, are quite mature, and just trying to get by. Huh, I know a lot of people who are just out there living as best they can. Funny that. Bet if we looked back through-out the ages, we'd even find more of the same.

Now, how can I make money by oversimplfying complex social issues, and packaging it with a heavy dose of blame. Just sell out? And hard? Hmm......

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