Thursday, February 28, 2008


Well, I'm not really one that typically gives a damn about what the British royals are doing, an article on CNN did catch my eye. I guess Prince Harry is currently in the field in Afghanistan, has seen combat, and is right where he wants to be. His deployment was kept secret by the British media for security reason, and it was only admited to after foreign papers printed it, so as not to put the rest of his squad in danger as much as himself. I must say: kudos to that all around.

I read an interview with Prince Harry last year, talking about how he wanted to be deployed to Iraq. Why? Becuase it was where he belonged, with the men he served with. This is not going to be someone who's ignorant of what battle field condtions are going to be like either (at least that was my impression from what else he had said). For him to pony up like that, when no one would have really blamed him for hiding behind his title, and for going in with a combat unit? Hell yes.

Maybe if more of the "privaleged elite" should show that kind of integrity, we'd all be in better shape. Sure, I don't know the whole of his opinions, or politicale stance, and so on, but I'm going to be genuinly impressed by his willingness to put it on the line and serve his nation along side the other grunts.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New Job

At long last. At least for a little while.

Monday, February 25, 2008

One last thing for the day (damn am I chatty today...)

Last night was also the last time I'm going to see my friend Purple for sometime. Hopefully not ever. This week, he moves to Hawaii. I have a hard time going to see friends who live in a state over on a regular basis. I'm still trying to figure out a way to get to DC, Texas, Boston, and Portland to visit the more scattered friends. Hawaii? Shit...

The end of the Age of Worms

So, yeah. No big epic fight. No chance to almost fail, but snatching victory from the edge of defeat. The Age of Worms campaign ended with Kyuss, the Worm God, being killed before his first action when he took 20,591 (yes, twenty thousand, five hundred and ninety one) damage in the first round of combat.

That was the shittiest fight I've ever been in. It just wasn't any fun for me. It didn't make a good end to a story. It just sucked. I'm really thinking about saying "to hell" with running anything.

I can except this as the other shoe

As is normal for my attempts at dating, it looks like I make a better friend then anything more. I kinda figured this was the way things would be going since about Saturday, and I had an inkling for about the last week. Course, I had to be the one to ask. Least now the air is cleared and I know where I stand. So, yeah, if this is the other shoe dropping, that's a okay.

Now, to bug Kelly services about the info for that job tomorrow...

Friday, February 22, 2008


Got the job and it starts on Tuesday. Huzzah! My dad is up and walking again, so this gets to become an amusing anecdote in a few months. Huzzah again! I've had a nice relaxing week off, instead of fretting over employment. Huzzah once more! I should be getting 4 disks worth of Eureka 7 in the mail tomorrow, which will keep me more then amused enough for a weekend of work. Huzzah still!

It's been a good week. I wonder when the other shoe is going to drop? *chuckle*

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

It's Tuesday Already?

So, it's already been an odd week in some ways, decent in others. Yesterday (in the less odd category), I got a line on my next temp assignment from Kelly. It'd be simply phone work, which is good, but it'd be at a few dolors more an hour then either of the other two jobs I could have taken. And it's a temp to hire situation to boot. Woot. So, that looks like it has some potential. I also finally made contact with the guy in the other branch of Kelly that helps with job placement. While he doesn't think there's much he can do to help (there's a lot of people out there with fresh college degree's I guess), he's gonna take a look at my resume and see what he can do/tell me what he thinks of it. Hey, nothing to lose on that one.

As for the odd. Well, my dad accidentally shot himself in the leg yesterday. He's okay and all, but it's just fucking weird. He was putting his .45 in his shoulder holster since he was on his way to an armed security account he works, and it just went off. Safety was on, the hammer wasn't back, but the damn think went off. The bullet dug itself into his leg, and due to the angle, it's gonna stay there I guess. He's in, well, decent spirits all things considered. Hopefully he'll be home from the hospital tomorrow. From the sounds of things, he's gonna retire that pistol. I don't think I blame him either. Really, really weird.

Today was calm and normal. I'm just waiting for the company where I'll hopefully be temping to give me a call. I guess there's a phone interview involved.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

More Random Geek Labber

I'm really bored at work. I'm donw with the project at this point, so all that's left is to go over some of it, and double check on it. For an hour and a half today, and all day tomorrow. Zug-zug.

Anyway, this is more D&D speak, fell free to pass it by.

I've been contimplating in the last few days, that 3rd ed is only a few months away from closing up in favor of 4th Ed. Neither good nor bad really, it just is what it is. Hopefully the new mechanics won't be so... ahh, Magic the Gathering-like open to abuse by skilled mathmaticians? That'd be nice.

Anyway, I spend some much time running the game, I rarely get a chance to play these days. As such, there are a few characters that I'm just not going to get a chance to play.

Nixel Tyrons - Seeker of Knowledge
Now, I'll admit I'd need a DM fiat to play this guy the way I want, but that's only because I don't like the Illumian's as a race (they just don't do anything for me really), but I love one of their prestige classes (I'd need the fiat to play it as a human...). The idea is a Begulier (from PHBII) with the investigator feat (from Eberron), and eventually one of the Illumian prc's (in Races of Destiny, it gives bardic knowledge, and a few other goodies along with cater progression, and is all about finding lost knowledge!). Main weapons: hand crossbow and rapier, with more attention to the hand xbow. Eventually that little guy would have the quickloading enchantment, and a wand sheath. Plug in offensive spells and a whole bunch of specialy bolts. Such a really neat character in the right campaign.

Zirin Kerdex - Jade Phoenix Mage
Right from the Book of Nine swords. War blade and Wizard into JPM. Sure, it's not the most bad ass comboing for melee and magic, but the flavor is ssooo awesome. You're a constantly reincarnated soul, one of 13, who are a part of an ancient order. In times lost to the sands of history, an abomination called the Soul Drake descended upon the kingdom from whence the JPM came. It had already ravished most of the rest of the region, and now it came for them. Nearly the whole order died to defeat it, but n the end, 13 were able to create the prison. They became a part of it, and thus are reborn again and again, a living part of the Soul Drake's prison. So cool!! Zirin would just be this guy. A hero come again, who aims to do the same as he's done for countless cycles of reincarnations, what's right. No weird gear, just what comes up. Maybe at some point a reduckulessly oversized greatsword or bastard sword, but probably not.

Ken, Servent of the Flame - Champion of the Downtroden
Again, would neat a fiat to bring Argent Fist out of Eberron if necessary. Argent fist is a combo prestige class that brings paladin and monk together. And boy does it! Again, a chance to just play a strait up hero type. Two levels of monk, four paladin, and you're in. Add to that some of the throw energy feats from PHBII, and I'm a happy Ogre. Playing in Eberron? Done and done! Only thing they don't get is a progression add on to the lay on hands ability. Which is too bad, as I really like that ability.

There are others too of course. The Kalshtar soul knife with vow of poverty. A Ranger that goes into just a bit of warlock that sports Aberrant Dragonmarks (and power-up feats for the Dragonmarks) for almost every level based feat.

I know that I'd like to do a 3.75 game when 4th comes out (take what I like from 4th, and run it in 3rd), but I don't know how doable that would be without a LOT of work on my side of things.*sigh* I like DMing and all, and I'm told I'm pretty damn good at it, but it'd be nice to play a bit more often.

Random Geek Jabber

Well, I've been running the Age of Worms for the last several months. It's been an OK campaign. Some of the structure is really bad. Some of the lay out's have been lacking. Monster and encounter design, ugg in too many places. However, the story has been pretty good, and the group has just got to end game.

Last Sunday, Dragotha, the mighty Draco-Lich, one time Consort of Tiamat, right hand of the Worm God Kyuss, total bad ass, was brought low by the party. In a round. No, drawn out epic battle. No desperate struggle to bring overcome this fearsome obsticle. No chance for mighty being to exchange blows that would rock the very pillars of heaven!! Nope, the party walked in, Dragotha breathed (they all made their saves and had evasion, wasted breath weapon in other words), let lose a mighty spell (they all made their saves, and took a relativly small amount of damage from the Horrid Wilting), and then they stomped him. A combination of highly specialized cohorts, plumbing the depths of the entirety of my D&D library (which is impressive), and power gamed characters took the FIRST DRACO-LICH EVER in less then 10 seconds game time. About 10 minutes table time I think. Yeah...

I powered up Dragotha, I had to. I gave him max HP and then some. I gave him a giant Kybar Dragonshard floating in his chest that filled him with necromantic powers (we're playing in Eberon). His bones were studded with Eberon Dragonshards as well, giving more boni. I swapped out feats to favor party trick beating Epic Feats. I used the old versions of spells that have since been revised, and I used them wrong (on purpose!!!!!!!!!). But it didn't matter. They walked in and pumped more then 2000 points of damage into him in a single melee round. It was late, so I decided to say, the hell with it. Except for going through the ol' dragon melee routine, there wasn't a whole lot left to do for him.

The fight, basically, was a huge let-down for me. I wanted it to last 5-6 rounds. Have a feel that this was something that was trully fearsome. An incredible threat. Nope. And that is the absolutly worse feeling for me as a DM, when that just kinda falls apart on me. When I have what should be a really cool encounter, what should be a desperate fight that will be memorable for the party. Well, I guess it's still memorable. They get to say "Hahaha, we totally poned Dragotha! I don't know why people think he's so tuff, what a pussy!" Yeah, makes me feel like I'm missing a rule somewhere.

It really, really sucked. I guess my idea of what makes a climactic scene is different from my players. *sigh*

Yesterday some more...

Well, the lady in question called me last night. She really liked the flowers, all the other females she worked with were twittering about them for the whole day. She wanted to talk longer, but she was sick and wanted to take a nap. So, I wished her a happy Valentine's Day (she did the same), and that was that. I think this counts as some nice solid progress, right? I sure think so. According to some mutal friends, there is another young man vying for her attention, but I also understand that he's something of a tool. This opinion is held by her girl friends as well. On the other hands, those of her girl friends I know, all think I'm a good guy (so too do the mutal guy friends). Sure, it's still in the air at this point, but it's not like I'm out of the running as it were.

....*chuckle* what the hell sort of relationship quagmires do I walk myself into?

Yesterday and today (tomorrow never comes after all...)

Well yesterday was a good day for the ol' ego. For real this time even.

I had my job interview at REM. I think it went really well. However, I don't think I'm going to take the job. It's less money then I originally thought, less money then I was making as a rent-a-cop in fact. And as good as the Program Coordinator might look on my resume, an MBA will trump it in many casses. The other job offer is from where I'm temping at the moment. It's also for less money, and would be very entry level.

In the end, I think option 3 is the way to go. See if Kelly will have work for me on Monday, and keep on temping untill something that actually requires a college degree comes along. That'd be nice, have a job that actually requires a degree, not just one that likes paying me way too little and appreciating that I have one. Yeah...

So, that was the revelation from yesterday.

Today, well, we'll see how things go with the flowers.

I'd be the Criminal, wouldn't I?

My guess is that it would be some sort of legal issue if I found the gal who wrote this and used a baseball bat to exaplin to her that one does not destil complex social issues into "guys only mature when married, and video games are evil!"? I'd probably be the one labeled "bad guy" in this exchange, wouldn't I? Shit...

But, really, Discords name this article pissed me off. I looked, she has a few books, and a lot of degree's in, something? I havn't found what her degree's are actually in, but I'm sure I could with some digging. She appreantly, though, is proof that college degree are rarely worth the paper they're printed on.

I mean, come on! Because, yeah, I know all my fem-friends magically matured when they hit 20. Oh, all us in the male end of the equation are simply wallowing in our extended adolcense for no other reason then to wallow! Yeah. Because to enjoy video games past the age of 18 or so, you need to be a social deviant I guess. Oh, and I can only make the metamorphasis from child to man via the magic of marriage. I'm just so pissed by this sort of shit.

Sure, do I know some people like this, enjoying their extended time free of the obligations that come with home ownership and having a family. You betcha, I know pleant of guys and gals that fit this. I also know pleanty of single guys and gals who are doing just fine, are quite mature, and just trying to get by. Huh, I know a lot of people who are just out there living as best they can. Funny that. Bet if we looked back through-out the ages, we'd even find more of the same.

Now, how can I make money by oversimplfying complex social issues, and packaging it with a heavy dose of blame. Just sell out? And hard? Hmm......