Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Theory on how CON is going to go down

So, my room mate, Sherv, and I were talking about CONvergance a bit last weekend. I finally got my hotel confirmation, we're in the back-up back-up across the street. *sigh* However, we know plenty of people in the hotel proper that should be able to stage booze for us. And really, that's what counts.

Anyway, here's how Sherv and I have figured it's going to go down. Input is naturally appreciated...

Thursday night is, basically, going to be like Friday night normally is. Some drinking, some parties, some rabble rousing. Everyone getting into the CON mood. Friday night, is going to be like Saturday night, but MORE SO! By Friday, everyone's livers will be warmed up, the parties will be going full steam, and the drinking and carousing will be hitting the high notes. However, we don't need to check out the next day! The parties, and drinking, is going to be insane! Then, Saturday night, will be some weird combination of a normal CON Saturday, plus Dead Dog. And with the numbers that CON aught to have this year, they might be fully existing side by side! This is when the test of endurance will come in. Can you stand another night of that much over indulgence and vices?!?!?! Sunday, Sunday will be Dead Dog's Dead Dog. People will just be drained from the weekend, trying their best to check out on time, and blearily preregistering. Dead Dog? Dear goddess, those that actually Dead Dog this year will be my personal heroes.

It's going to be beautiful...

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